@davillain-: i waiting for the second gen and better video cards......1080's still cant play every thing at 60 frames at this point so waiting for better cards is a must at this point.....
@Thanatos2k: funny....i have DLC discs to games that were put out on the windows live store that was closed in 08....the DLC still works for those games almost 10 years after the fact.....
@Archangel3371: yeah but the funny thing is the OLD systems like from the 90's had add ons like 32X for genesis and the memory expansion for N64......we are just going back to roots in a way.......
@TheZeroPercent: yeah your only problem with all of this is the fact sony dropped their new console first.....if they were really stomping the market like you claim why has their best selling only on PS4 game sold just at 6 million units with over 40 million consoles in the world???.......not a fanboy of anything at this point i hate what gaming has become as a whole......
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