they only thing that needs to change on steam is the stay full price for to long as steam lives with the delusion they should make money on some thing they did not make......if valve wants to keep the lights on make half life 3......I WILL NEVER AND HAVE NEVER GOTTEN A GAME OFF STEAM.....but i will buy COA from other sites all day long that only work on steam.......and no the steam sales never make up for the fact tons of games are full price a year after coming out like a retail disc is not 20 bucks on amazon for the same game.....i picked up GTA5 is a retail box for PC for 25 dollars 6 months ago.....they had it "on sale" for 40 not to long ago like they were doing people a favor.....
@deviltaz35: i love my set up....and age means nothing when talking about speakers as long as the surrounds are still good on the drivers your fine......i know a guy that is running 7 klipsch hersery's 2's and a pair of 15 inch klipsch subs.....the newest speaker out of the 7 hersery's is like 25 years old......still sound great......
@lordstrategery: log on and play halo 2........find bad company 2 servers on 360 right now.......i could sit and list games all day long so your missing the point......
@xantufrog: consoles could improve a lot of things......and support for old games is one of the places a lot of people scream......real world i bet money people would still play halo 2 online if they could login......a bunch of PC gamers were trying to bring that one back last year......
@sladakrobot: then why do games stay on PC for a decade??? its because people are paying for the server to keep it online......that is my point.......if the publishers are still making money on server rentals they will keep the support for it.....
this is what truly sucks about least on PC most games are supported for years and in some cases games get supported for a decade......i still wonder how many people would be playing the old battle field and COD games if consoles had paid server options like PC does.....get a clan together to pay 80 bucks a month and you can do anything you want......i get people saying all the time i wish i could play bad company still playing it on PC......but i dont even think you can log in to it from a console now......
@lostn: are you kidding??? to make it as a full video card will cost more then adding it to a console....the voltage regulators and memory will be on the motherboard and wont need 2 sets.....the CPU linkage will be on chip with direct connections to the PCI-E lanes of the CPU......and no the costs will not be factor for both.....the chips in both are custom and at best will share the same 2 quad core jaguars they are stacking together(ZEN CPU's wont happen for the Scorpio as the X86 chips the consoles would need wont be out until 2018 in the ZEN line)......SSD is not going to be a option as 1tb drives still cost 250 plus and even 500gb are around a 100.....they are not even going with 7200 rpm harddrives......if sony can double the power for the same 400 bucks just 3 years after release then they can make a 6tf console for 500, 600 max......
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