@IIIMatricksIII: i think you have really touched on why some of the comic book movies have been good or bad.....the good ones seem to be open to anyone and the bad ones seem to be for super nerds that read every book from every universe......no matter what unless its deadpool no one seemed completely happy
@The_Dragon_Born: i hate to tell you but i see stupid on both sides......you can be a jackass kicking people and being stubborn to keep the old ways or a elephant with shit trickling down your leg like the people below should be ready to catch it.....both are stupid......the other side of the coin with liberal vs conservative leaves the US in a place were the government does nothing but take money and the people think they can fix it themselves with out any thing being fixed.......the last 15 years on so many levels has been a train wreck......
@heqteur: i spent 80 dollars on a AMD quad core 7 years ago......it still plays current games and even got my 60 frames a second in BF1 beta........let me know when a intel CPU is worth something at the 80 dollar mark and will last 7 years for gaming.......no i3 from any gen can do that......shit some of the i5 did not last even 5 years....and most people spent 200 bucks to get one.....
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