@Raidendude153: star wars was on sale in the first 8 months for 20 bucks for the base game......BF4 was 20 bucks in the first 12 months......i wont have to wait that long.....when origins was selling it for 20 you could find COA's online for 10 bucks on other sites......if it takes 3 years for the DLC to be free i saved 60 bucks........
@kevy619: a 4460 does not destroy anything when talking about games that need logic cores......in that case the 6300 is better.....lots of the new games are using logic cores more and want X number of them even if you have to get half of them from hyper threading......it sucks for a lot of people running good i3's and before you trip over your dick because you have something better 48% of all people on steam run i3's......
i was hoping this game would be good but after beta im going to skip it like star wars......i may get it when its 10 bucks and the DLC is free like what they did with BF4.....
@xantufrog: it sucks....i can be in the middle of playing online with everything running great and then im hit with frame rate drops, high ping and packet lose......oh look windows updates is running the back round........it seems like i should turn on the PC a hour early just to let it update before i start gaming.....its stupid....
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