@buginthesystem: wow.....so because the game was a turd some how i sucked with a 3 to 1 kill ratio???........the game failed on almost every level.....if it had not failed why was it 20 bucks in the first 6 months??? GTA5 has been out for almost 3 years and it still selling for 40 bucks......theirs your clue.....
@louixiii: most of it sounds right but i think the console wont be over 500 bucks.......a almost 6tf video card in PC land right now is all of 200 bucks.....to make the GPU in it as just a chip it cant cost more then a 100 bucks for just the chip.......i dont see the rest of the console costing more then 400 bucks to make based on the hardware they are looking at to keep it compatible with the first gen ONE......will have to wait and see but i have this funny felling its going to be 500 bucks.......i still cant believe sony doubled the raw horse power with pro and its still the same 400 dollars day one PS4 was.....
@deviltaz35: i heard atmos about 5 years ago and im still not impressed......a good set of array speakers would kill the need for top channels......if you know what your doing with normal speakers you dont need the extra rear channels as 2 sets in the right spacing is all that is needed........my room the projector is in is 32x28 room.....its to small for the 7.1 im running now.......oh and i have to ask.....have you ever heard of someone taking a projector and putting it on a lazy susan so they could flip it around to projector outside in to their yard for game days and whole hood movie watching??? i love my projector and the 300 inch blow screen......now i need more outside rock speakers to do the full 7.1...........
@LordCrisp: i dont need the 4k drive for 4k content and 4k sata drives will be out in less then a year for at or under a 100 bucks.......and i care about having a disc for GAMES......just not movies.....
@alaskancrab: its not silly.....the good i3's have hyper threading and come with 4 logic cores allowing it to run a ton of games.......logic cores count more in a lot of games then real cores do.......plus 48 or 49% of all steam users are running i3's......so they got rid of at least 35 to 40% of all PC gamers that could buy the game going over that spec.......
@deviltaz35: dont need it......im crazy.....i have a triple monitor set up running with a 19 inch to show torrents, a 22 inch to surf the web and then the option to flip from a 32inch flat panel or a runco projector i can run out to 300 inches.......i picked up a AMD 7750 2gb video card for 20 dollars that lets me run any of the 3 screens i want(and will even run 4k)......its part of the 130 for the cheap computer......for audio im running a onkyo 7.1 amp with 14 matched klipsch speakers.....i got the speakers for FREE.....its 2 set of the 5.1 pro media sets that had bad bash amps in them......i hooked up 2 speakers for each of the front 3 channels and ran singles for the rear 4 channels.....the subs are 4 8 inch subs in 2 ported boxes (i kept factory boxes as they were tuned right)....i got a old 2x200 kenwood stand alone amp running the 4 subs......if i want music i go in to the music room that is a extra bedroom and listen to a set of legacy whispers i have with a set of krell mono block amps......no iphony needed......like i said im crazy.....but i love my stack of junk........i paid 500 bucks at good will for the set of legacy whispers as some rich moron dropped them off complete with crossover.....look them up.....you will poop a brick when you see the real price of these speakers......
@drprophecy: like i said if it does something for the games it would be a reason to care........more space is a good reason.....speed would also be nice but your just installing the game to a 5400rpm harddrive so its still going to be slow in everything other then installing the game(get over a 100mb read speed on the bluray and your already maxing out most write speeds of 5400rpm drives)......i wonder what speeds would be like if they made the game read most of it from the disc, only keep patches and DLC on the HD???........what i truly want is external HD support.......i have a USB 3.0 raid stack that will take 4 drives......also have a couple of small 60gb intel SSD i could use one for the boot drive and then use the others for the games i play the most.......the raid stacker i have will even let me run all drives as one massive drive.....i could put the SSD's and the 3tb i already have on my PS4 in it.....for normal people they could just get a cheap 256gb SSD for the PS4 and plug in a cheap 2tb 3.0 drive......i dont get why sony is not giving us USB 3.0 harddrive support.........
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