@davillain-: the min they want would stomp crysis in to the ground.......i remember being so happy i could get it to ultra settings with a pair of 9600 GSO's in SLI and a AMD 5000 black edition running 3.2ghz........
@Berserk8989: i spent 500 bucks and im running a 7 year old AMD 955 CPU over clocked to 3.8ghz.....its on a 970 motherboard that will support anything up to a 8370e CPU from AMD.....im running a gtx 970, have 8gb of memory, 2 256gb ssd drives, 2 250gb HD and a 500gb hd for storage......i spend a 100 bucks on a 8350 CPU and i wont have any problems for a couple of years but it sucks knowing i could run this game and a couple of others on my current setup without upgrade.....my system got 50 to 60 frames in BF1 beta and they wanted a real 6 core 6300 from the AMD side at the min........
@neatfeatguy: GoG games list is old and not many current games are on it.......and even some of the games on origins can never be played off line......i could never get the single player part of BF4 to work without online.....
@alien33: and its stupid.....less then 5% have the recommended specs and less then 20% have the min........they keep this up and im going back to consoles only......
@captainwonton: almost all of them now......you really cant game on PC without internet as even the install discs most of the time are a steam installer on disc with a COA on the case to download it.....and that is the physical media that you paid for.......even if some of the game is on the disc your going to have a ton of patches to download and or the steam version you have on disc will also be out dated and need a 500mb download to get current to play a SINGLE PLAYER game.........its one of the few things that SUCKS about PC gaming......
@alien33: 49% of all people on steam still have i3 CPU's........they are making games that are over about 75% of the hardware level most PC gamers have........plus a lot of these games dont really need this high of spec to run.....BF1 says its needs a 6600 i5 to run when people have been playing beta on a 2500k.......
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