@awperator666: so plug the USB in to the PS4 and then plug the fiber in to the TV......have you tried running the head set on just a cell phone charger to see if the head set really needs the USB data link or if its just taking 5volt power for the AMP??? (most head phones that are using the data link dont need a audio input of any kind) did you think about using a 5 foot USB extension cord to get the USB dongle closer to the TV so the fiber would reach??? .........worse case you need a fiber butt connector and a second fiber cable to cover the distance to the back of the TV......next HDMI supports 5.1 7.1 7.2 9.1 9.2 and 10.2 sound set ups.....your little 5.1 set will be just fine as the TV will pass along any signal its give on the digital side of the audio.....the audio used in ALL HDMI cables is the coax side of SPDIF in the first place........their is NO REASON you cant hook it up to the TV IF the TV has the output already......IF the TV does not have the output this is your only option......
@jimmythang: why does everyone keep acting like this is a problem....HOOKED UP TO THE TV........at least then you get sound from every thing on screen and not just the console.......
@awperator666: check your TV......if your TV has a fiber out put your fine and will even get sound from normal TV with it hooked up like that.......if you dont get any sound check the book on your TV to make sure the SPDIF is on as some need to be turn on in options......
@bodao-zse: check your TV.....most TV's have a fiber or coax SPDIF out put on them......if you hook everything HDMI up to the TV is will pass on any 5.1 or 7.1 sound encoding to the AMP......HDMI uses the coax side of SPDIF for the audio in the first place......
@lokar82: its the same connection......HDMI uses the same signal as the coax version of SPDIF.......the fiber version is the same signal linked to a 5 volt LED that flashes the pulses from the coax line.....its the SAME......so hook everything up HDMI to the TV and then hook up to the TV's fiber or coax output for 5.1 and 7.1......
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