@nadsat-77: i was under the thinking the new disc format needed for 4k movies had more space on each disc.....if it does that is the only place it would matter for gaming as it would give them more disc space to work with........that would be the ONLY reason i would care it was left out........but that is just me.......
@Jag-T1000: i just have to ask.....are you buying a gaming system to watch movies or are you buying to play games???......im only mad it was not included as it would have given game makers more room to use on disc so we would not have to download so much......other then that i will never care if my GAMING system can play a movie.......
@7tizz: not true.....philips and MCA (not RCA)worked together to make the video disc in the 70's off of the work of David Paul Gregg and James Russell from a 1958 patent.......the base tech was used to make CD's BUT sony is the one that pushed for CD's and even set the record time in minutes for the format......the RCA set up for video discs was stylus systems with discs having groves in the surface like records called Capacitance Electronic Disc.........im not trying to bust any ones balls i just want to learn the real history......
@kadaverhagga: im not trying to bust anyone balls im trying to find the real history of how it started.....so far i found out sony put the group together to keep bluray from going the way of mini discs and beta max.....they kept both of those in house on every level for to long to make them mass competing formats......i get why the group was put together as it spread the cost of making the first round of hardware and they went to market with other makers on board to make sure the format survived.......im just trying to find out the whole history........if the MIT guys were in it i want to find out where they fit in the time line of making everything.....
@howthegodzkill: its not the same......SLI and or crossfire have their own problems and you never see double the frame rates for double the power applied.....if you had the level of optimization the consoles did you would be getting 60 frames all day long at real 4k with something closer to 8 to 12tf on PC if we had that level of optimization.....i wish they would find a new way to write coding on PC to give more base level of access to the game makers on PC hardware.....but i just dont see it happening with so many configurations in the PC world......
@joshrmeyer: the first Xbox was awesome......nothing did online gaming better in that time frame....i was there for the first day on live so i have a clue.....
@jpeters36: yeah but that market is going to be small......720p tv's are still the most sold out of any format......tons of gamers already have ONE's and or 4'.....
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