@slickwilly06: thank you....never mind the fact we are starting to see the first wave of 120hz 4k monitors and seeing them in 8k as prototypes.....if you want to check out the dell one look for my other post responding to him as it has the link
@G4mBi7: no i dont.....i want to see what sony claims and what we get.....and a good 1500 dollar PC can do 40 to 50 frames in a lot of games running 4k as long as they have a 1070 or 1080....were do you get this BS we have no monitors running 60 frames in 4k???...... we already have 120hz 4k TV's and japan has had BROADCASTING in 4k at 120hz for just over a year.....
heres a link on it and this is 4 years old talking about it as a prototype of the 120hz 4k cam they were building.......
@spectrexr1: sony has already said a few games will be 4k native but its a small list of games and no one has said anything about 60 frames......will have to see.......
the sad fact is HDR is the one that really matters.....4k content on a calibrated 1080p screen looks CRAZY good.....if we could get cheap 1080p TV's with HDR it would be nice......if we could film everything in 4k and get to even 720p TV's it would look so much better.......
@neskins: i dont have online for my PS4 and will never get it but most people that own PS4 have online and never factor in the cost of it as a real cost of gaming EVEN IF YOU DONT HAVE ONLINE......xbox live as of jan of 2016 had 48 million active users.....meaning at least 40 million people paid 60 bucks for a year of live(yes i get some of them got in on sale and some even got a free year) ......PS4 numbers was 3 quarters of all PS4 owners have play station network........that is at least 25 million paying for online(if there is 40 million units out there).....its a factor for most people miss and just wont talk about because it was not a up front day one cost.....its like saying gas is not a factor for most people on the planet because YOU have a electric car......your point is null and void.....
as for my other post were i said it could add up to a grand it was simple math you could not understand.....people got a PS4 day one for 400 bucks.....they paid 150 for the last 3 years of online.....if they get the PRO it will add 400 more..... then to get to the same total 5 years of gaming WITH ONLINE i have always talked about, its a extra 100 dollars if sony is only charging 50 bucks a year still.....that give you 1050 with OUT even adding taxes.......i never said YOU will have the money for a pro or buy it.....
now i understand YOU and not to many other people like me dont pay for online BUT MOST DO........out of every one i know with a current gen console im the only one that does not have online for ether my PS4 or ONE.....but im online all the time on PC......
@EddyG0RD0: wow...one more that cant do math......real world....PS4 pro and 5 years of online costs......400 for the console......300 bucks for 5 years of online if sony went to 60 bucks a year.......700 is what your paying total to play it for 5 years.......learn to do math......
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