@computernoises: BF1 wanted a 6 core 6300 from AMD but i can get 50 frames out of a 7 year old AMD 955 overclocked to 3.8ghz with a 4gb 770.......i cant even go by the specs listed any more......
@computernoises: it has been with the new driver update from nvidia......my 770 4gb was running really bad and i had to drop setting under what i was running in windows 7 to get 60 frames....its been fixed and now it runs like a real computer again........last the only reason your booting that fast is you left on the power mode that keeps half your motherboard on even in a "full" shut down........my system with a true shut down on a SSD drive takes about 30 seconds to start.....no your hardware does not make it that fast......windows leaving most of the computer on but turning off the 12 volt rail does this.....
@Iloveconnie: i have a 4gb 770 on a AMD 955 CPU overclocked to 3.8ghz.....it gets over 50 frames in conquest......i cant believe they posted specs so high when the game runs on older specs.......
@Rushaoz: and its stupid.....i just down loaded the beta for BF1 and it runs over 50 frames with a AMD 955 over clocked to 3.8ghz......the game sucks but it runs well on older systems......i dont get why they are shooting them selves in the foot like this with system specs not more then the top 10% have.....
@Rushaoz: no its because we think dice is over paid for their half baked games that dont run right years after release.....i have paid 60 bucks for their games many times only to find out it sucks or has major problems like the net coding on BF4......should we keep rewarding half assed work???
smokerob79's comments