this game needs a lot of work.....hit reg is messed up(i understand its beta)......not much balance to the weapons as i can head shoot some one 3 times only to have them kill me with a flame thrower.....i will wait until its 10 bucks......its just not worth more then that to me
@blak_box: im going to go out on a limb and say your fine being a sheep and paying 120 dollars for half backed games.........i have run a business and understand you have to make money but i also understand you need to keep the costumers happy......
@jenovaschilld: what made me mad was said i needed a 6300 CPU on the AMD side of things to play the game but i still get 50 frames plus with a 7 year old AMD 955 over clocked.......
@gotrekfabian: i downloaded it and im getting 60 most of the time and drops to the 50's some times.....why would they put these stupid specs in when 7 year old CPU's run the game just fine??? it seems so stupid to me
@Orgodemir: no its only the 970.......they built them with a 512mb back up truly only has 3.5gb to work with.......i upgraded to a 970 and cant run the old setting i had in GTA5 as it pushes the memory to much.....
smokerob79's comments