I have never been a fan boy...as I usually pick up any console that has the games I wish to play. That being said, I don't care if they release the greatest game in history, if it is exclusive to a console that requires an internet connection I simply won't be buying it.
I sincerely hope that this is but a rumor, although it is starting to look otherwise.
@lonewolf1044 Eh, the persistent connection did not bother me. I just didn't really enjoy the game that much. I think it was partially due to the gear drops that I picked up were always 5-10 levels under what I could use. A loot grind with crappy loot...it takes away the incentive to play.
I have had much more enjoyment with Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile for getting my action RPG fix.
I didn't care much for X... Tidus' whining made me want to punch my TV.
I also don't really care if they make an HD remake of VII or any other final fantasy game for that matter. I still play the originals from time to time, and I'm fine with that...they are great games. I would much rather they come out with new games that as much fun to play as the ones I grew up playing. Give us a huge world to explore, a fun (if a bit cheesy) story, and a plethora of secrets to hunt down.
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