One of my favourite female protagonists in games is Madison Paige from Heavy Rain. She wasn't from any special forces or anything combat related, but she survived pretty much everything thrown at her. Especially good one was the Taxidermist DLC and the fight with butcher.
I just wish they made Lara look a bit more like Lara again. Add little bit to her lips, increase the size of her breasts just a bit and give her little bit rounder and wider behind. That would be nice. Nothing ridiculously huge boobs and thin waist isn't needed like original (which was born by developer mistake with scaling slider and they decided to keep it), but even a little more back to original Lara than this reboot had.
@simonmetcalf Obviously they forgot how with Red Dead Redemption, and if they really knew how, we wouldn't have to wait PC version to release year later.
@ellinax Yeah you can compare small budget indie games to most expensive game ever made by best developers in the world. Clap clap. Not saying this is a good game, I don't know, haven't played and probably never will and I don't care.
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