@ecs33 @gonzzan Also affects your driving in racing simulators. There's reason why you are not allowed to drive when under the influence.
We tested this with my brother in Gran Turismo with G25 wheel setup. After two or three beers our lap times improved a little, but after about six we started to overshoot the corners, there you have it.
@tukimuki Too bad they didn't make it in Kickstarter, maybe publishers were right and people don't give a shit about good games anymore, just CoD sells and one GTA.
Just wish somebody made more realistic fighting game without being a sports game, Fighter Within could be great game if it was only made playable with actual controller and polish it enough. Now it's just piece of shit sad Kinect game. Like every Kinect game there has been and will be.
@santinegrete @xbox360kb @halBU Yes, but big budget PC exclusives doesn't exist anymore, because PC devs wants now big bucks too and started to bring their games on consoles too. And that's really sad and heartbreaking.
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