@b74kd3th It can still be good game. But I personally hated this game (original on PC). Graphics are sub par, even two years ago or something. Sound effects are weak, voice acting is bad, stealth isn't fun, it's just required on harder difficulties, controls are terrible for PC game, can't hit anything that moves even with mouse.
@NTM23 But still I prefer 60 fps in fast paced games, it gives player more control than 30 fps. But in games like old style Resident Evil etc. it's not really needed.
@thegamegod Completely agree with this. And after five years max, release new consoles. We don't need this PS3/X360 shit twice. This generation has been about three years too long now, you can see that from games like GTA V, sub 20 fps, because graphical fidelity has to improved beyond these systems' capabilities, really?
Lag means Internet latency, not lack of frame rates. I miss the days when people knew what the hell they were talking about when they said the word "lag".
snaketus' comments