@GeorgeOglee It's not like touch screen and it will play like a mouse. If you move it rapidly especially with decent acceleration on you don't have to lift your finger to make fast movement in game. That's the whole wonderful thing with playing first/third person shooters on PC, because you can be rapid fast and very accurate at the same unlike analogue sticks, which are fast or accurate not both.
@xXl_z3r0_lXx It just wouldn't. Same thing racing or any arcade type game that are designed to work with joystick. Don't dump those controllers yet if you are into this type of games.
@shaharpazpaz @amdreallyfast No controller was designed for shooters (first and third person), that's why they suck on them. Joysticks are designed for arcade games, like beat 'em ups, shoot 'em ups (vertical and horizontal shooters) fighting and racing and maybe some sports.
@amdreallyfast @Goranar @placksheep Adblock Plus 1.6 is the newest version, works fine now. Didn't work yesterday. Adblock newest version is 2.6 which is different addon all together and I prefer Adblock PLUS over it. And if I'm forced to shut my adblocker off to watch video on the internet, I don't watch it.
@abbasreza Yeah it will suck on racing and fighting games for sure. But I still have all my PlayStation pads, X360 pad for PC, arcade fighter joystick, MS sidewinder for flying and couple of racing wheels (g25 and g27) so no problem. And yeah keyboard and mouse if needed.
@NTM23 Videos started to working with Adblock plus on today for me. Last two days required some advertisement watching so I tried again today and they worked.
@skiprat I'll use real joystick on games that requires a joystick, flight sims for example. Pad is great on certain types of games for sure. I agree you with that strategy games on big TV. I tried to play Civ 5 on my big screen, but couldn't read small text from proper distance so games like that can remain on desktop.
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