First of all if i am not mistaken, the PS3s CPU can indeed access the second pool of 256mb GDDR3 RAM (which is used for GPU) and add it to the current 256mb XDR RAM. This process however cannot be the inverse due to bottlenecking problems. As far as the 360s RAM goes, it is way easier for devs to put a majority of the RAM available towards one or the other eithere CPU or GPU. However that as well has its certain draw backs. Unified RAM creates its own bottleneck as both the GPU and the CPU are trying to take the same RAM which slows down opperations altoghether. I thought it should also be noted that the PS3s OS not only takes 60-something mb i believe, and that the 360 has another 10mb dedicated for AA i believe (feel free to correct me if i am wrong).
Yeah that's the only thing that is holding me back from getting one atm (well that and to many good games to buy, can't afford everything) cheer up though, it's still a pretty cool box and is fun to play when it does work. ;)
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