snorlaxmaster's forum posts
I'm going to be completely and utterly biased and say Microsoft, simply because I want them to show something interesting. I'd like some developments on XBL, seeing is how there was a Spring Update lacking this year there must be a reason, a price cut on all models, and some info on their key games such as Gears of War 2 and Fable 2. Not expecting much on any front...Aaron89B(olded)FT E3 isn't a shadow of the expo years ago. :(
I'd love to see Kojima announce a new Zone of The Enders or Snatcher re-make for the PS3. If that we're to happen, IMO, Sony would have had the best conference.no_handlebarsQFT man. KOJIMA FTFW!!!! Am sad i still can't find MGS4 anywhere. :( Oh well that's good news for Kojima though. ;)
I sorta agree. I'm always excited to get me some more LBP info but I do "NOT" think it is worthy of "press conference material." Sony wont dissappoint though, they've got alot of dev power on their side. ;)I think it will be MS with the best since they did not show off any of the games last E3.
For the same reason I thinkSony will have the worst. They have already shown everything a few E3s. They will show KZ2 yet again, LBP yet again, Home yet again, GT5 yet again and ect. They need to get the games out so they can start showing new stuff.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]I gotta say... I'm starting to like MS's more casual approach. Sony needs to jump on board and sell LBP for $40.CMPunk13
Then cows (like the ones in this thread that somehow think "cheaper price means a garbage game") will be saying "LBP will be a system seller because it is only $40! It's cheaper and lemmings are ownerz!@!!1".
The cows have hit an even lower low today.
One word: Patapon
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