360 controller is better, thats probally why. Also the devs have gotten really lazy. Games like warhawk,Lair, and heavenly sword show just what the PS3 is capable of so it think the devs just need to get off their butts and make good games for ps3.
Ninja Gaiden is not exlusive, plus ps3 got graw 2, not graw one. Honestly graw one since it plays diffent from the others is consider exclusive by some but thats an argument for another day
yeah, thats what i think.. but halo still has a chance of getting AAA.
Good thing metroid and lair just flopped or we lemmings would have no defense when halo 3 flops. Iam staying away from systewms just to avoid the madhouse.
Macs are still over-priced "cool kids have them so i want one" machines
plus Bill Gates and Microsft care about their consumers and always make sure their products are the best quaility. They don't care about the money like apple
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