Ps3 wil have to wait till 08 for its AAA exclusive at that way its goingGood thing FF13 and MGS4 are guranted AAA
That Killzone, Mgs4, Fable 2, resident Evil 5, halo 3, and Mario Galaxy will all flop.I just can't help but sense the ownage, Not even the manticores will be safe.
Super Flop Brothers BrawlUncharted: Drake's FlopAssassin's FlopRatchet and Clank: Flop of DestructionDisaster: Flop of CrysisTrauma Center: New Flop (new blood)Endless Flop (endless ocean)Flop Effectedit: and littlebigflop. hahaGunSmith1_basicDon'forgetAlan FlopFlop ThreeieGenji 3 giant enemy flopHarry Potter and the half blood flopLittle big flop is winGames I expect to flopHalo 3KillzoneMario galaxy
The Nintendo Wii will outsell Xbox360 worldwide by the end of this month.quote me on that.Game13a13yI has a cookie and I am not going to sharesThe Wii is beast, now what will the result of holiday 07
I didn't care about this game before but now this is just sad, This site might as well as be owned by sony
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