soiguessialive's forum posts
You know what grinds my gears?.....
A girl at a dance club.....yeah, I said it.
You know what grinds my gears how accurate your score predictions are gonna be
I would say so I wish the guy would come back and say something. The post may be genuine it may not but to me it sounded like a TVAd to rehearsed.thermovie644064
Sounds like he's being paid
I want his job, I swear I Have sold 10 wiis and 7 360s
[QUOTE="soiguessialive"]Halo Wars , Banjo Threeie, Splinter cell/thread
Most of those games will get delayed or flop
And what's going to stop those 360 games that you listed from being delayed and flopping? :roll:
Halo Wars is not hype AAA or expected to score AAA, more like AA
Banjo Threei i'll give you that it could flop
Splinter Cell is a being redone and seems like it will be more appealing to a wider audince and more realistic the MGS4 so it seems AAA to me
grinds my gears that people act like they know those will all turn out AAA.CaseyWegner
and i agree many people act as though games are guranteed AAA
just like with heavenly sword and lair
Halo 3 too
LOL yeah that sounds really really fake to me. Almost like he s reading it from a note card.
I know, whats his point, Bioshock isa good game and no need to troll or w/e his is doing.
I am confused i wish TC would explain himself
No m8 they do realise there just jealous of the lineup and come up and say "bu bu we got Fable 2"
They got no AAA material in 2008 and beyond... but atm it IS all 360, butwhen MGS4, GT, LBP, KZ2 are all on the shelves in 6-9 months time its all gonna change
All three of the Games you named are flops
Killzone 2 has the same problem as Restance, same old same old shooter with generic unintresting characters and enemies.
Gran Turismo will not be out until 09, and another Forza will be on the way, Gt4 flopped from lack of changed and so will Gt5
Little Big Planet is nothing special yet it is hyped to death. I expect it to score no higher than and eight and you can quote me on that
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