So, I was playing LocoRoco2 again. I bought this game like 3 weeks ago, and finally reached BuiBui fort 3 like a week ago. I have tried bazillions of times to get through it, but could never do it. Luckily for me (?), I reached my breaking point today. I reached the first elevator, one of those retarded BuiBuis threw a pretty well aimed stone at me, which hit me right in the head, sent me flying off the elevator and into the spikes.
At that moment, everything turned black in front of me. I was so furious and angry. I totally lost control of myself at that point. I just held the psp like a hammer, and smashed it on the edge of the table as furiously as i could. Years and years of working out have finally paid off! It was gone in one hit! I decided to take a few pics for fun. The game UMD was nowhere to be seen. I swear I had to search for it for 30 minutes, then found it under the bed. This retarded game was still in perfect shape!!! (see pic). It is going to gamestop first thing in the morning tomorrow. I can't stand it anymore :(
I don't have a handheld anymore :( Time for a Nintendo DS? Btw, does anyone have the email ofTsutomu Kouno? There are a couple of things i'd like to say to him!!! X-( X-(
Here are the pics. Hit me with the best you can. I can't wait for someone to tell me it is "Definitely photoshopped since the reflections are all wrong" LOL
Yes. The retarded game was still in perfect condition after this massacre!!
What is the craziest a game has ever made you do? Have you ever done something close?
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