My advice could work or it could end up being terrible... but... I am 28. When i was 14, i was exactly like this. I always wasted my money on stuff i didn't need (I used to buy TONS of UK game magazines unnecessarily for example). Doing this, however, taught me the value of money Now I have a high paying job, and i can buy whatever i want. I don't regret what i did. It was a necessary experience for me.
My advice is... if you really want that PSP, go buy it. If it ends up being a bad decision, it is an experience you learn from. Maybe this will make you work harder later so you can buy whatever you want... etc. But repressing your needs, and projecting it as hatred and passive aggressiveness towards your parents is definitely not a healthy thing to do.
Again, the above attitude worked for me. I don't know if it would work for you as well or not. Everyone is different.
Hope this helps
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