I used to watch epileptic gaming... well... until it got cancelled. Then i started watching the Jace Hall show, which i think is hilarious, but now season 1 is over.
Do you know of other similar video game shows on the interenet? I tried Zero Punctuation, but didnt' like it very much. If you know of others, i'd be very grateful.
It is almost as if Square Enix and Sony HATE our money. There are so manyPS1games that i'd love to buy for the PSP, and i KNOW that they can run (my friends are playing them illegally already), but retarded Sony and Square Enix are simply not doing anything to make it happen. Good job, retards
ditto. I have a slim, and i am totally ok with it. The good time i had with my PSP over the past 5 months or so make up for it. I wouldn't be upgrading, but maybe i will catch the next upgrade
Those of you who were following Epileptic Gaming would undoubtedly know about world famous Robert Summa. He was that really funny guy on the show. Before begin on EG, he got fired from JoyStiq for hyping that IBM shipment of processor to Nintendo thing.
Where is he now? Is he writing a blog or sthg? or is he on a new show? He is very funny, and it would be nice to know what he is up to these days.
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