someone6669's forum posts
right now.. Disgaea: Afternoon of darkness.
I have the PQ2 UMD with me right now. It is going right in very soon :)
So, i finally bought this game today. I was just starting, got killed by the first boss, and then something very weird happened. The game started playing the ending credits, and even prompted me to save at the end. Loading that save simply starts the game at the beginning.
There is no way to skip those credits either. So i had to sit there for like 15 minutes staring at the screen with that "WTF" expression on my face.
Is this how the game is supposed to play?
geez. that's a tough one. I don't think you will enjoy it. There will be tons of references to past events (and future events) in the series. So, the story will be a little difficult to follow.
Gameplay wise, you might be able to pick it up. It is not that complicated. But, it depends on your experiecne with other games. It is mostly "move around the map without letting anyone see you" kind of thing :) (sort of)
IMO, the best game to start the series with would be the original Metal Gear Solid on the PS1... no camouflage, no food, no tranquilizer stuff and everything is so simple.
The worst game to start the series with is MGS3: Snake Eater. It is so complicated for a new comer. Way harder to play than Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (camouflage, food,batteries, cure menu... etc)
What are your favorite PSP games with engrossing stories? Games with deep and beautiful stories are the best :) I just finished Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, and thought the story was nice (Elisa and the evil twin, RAXA... etc).
What are your favorite games with a good story?
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