So, what's the positive apart from taking a fully fledged Zelda and/or Mario on the go? This is a serious question and I don't want to be dragged into a console war lol
The controllers sound very cheap, like third part PS controllers back in the day. Clicky buttons, resetting sticks...oh 2006 welcome back! And the battery life of 2.5 to 6 hours, where they are saying the lower end is for the high end games surely isn't good enough for a supposed handheld? And the Wii U Zelda is supposedly better too.
This all sounds problematic to me. Nintendo are still a few years behind the curve tbh.
@duckofdeath: There is a massive difference between time sink and enjoying the many hours you spend playing a game. The Witcher 3 for instance is huge but there's always so much to do. I can't tell you the amount of time I wanted to get to A and B and do a main story mission only to realise 3 or 4 hours had passed, I hadn't touched the main mission and instead had carried out a contract or two or just done a side mission which mainly involve some really cool story telling (the werewolf story is my fave so far).
It's hypocritical of reviewers and gamers (influenced by reviews of course) to claim NMS is a bad game because there isn't much to do and it gets repetitive when those same reviewers and gamers talk about the same for Elite yet mention it as a positive. I've heard people saying flying through empty space for extended periods (with iffy controls) without doing much as a positive. You claim it's enjoyable even. I dislike games iwth large, empty worlds.
Of course, when you do have something to do in NMS, it's boring and I understand ELite might have better space combat and of course, you can meet up with other players but is 10-15 minutes of actual gameplay worth hours of doing nothing? It's like trying to watch the NFL lol
@duckofdeath: I've watched a lot of reviews on the game and they're all positive but they all say its essentially flying around doing absolutely noting for the majority of the time and then having small moments of actual game play. So how is this supposedly better than NMS?
@Redsyrup: I have zero problems with the english translation of all the other MGS games and MGS4 is the best in the series. Possibly MGS3. I've never heard of the original being touted as the best.
@mgs4gop: I wasn't a big Witcher fan until I started playing TW3. I've only played about 6 hours or so and even if I agree that the mission structure is quite repetitive, it is simply far more imaginative and intriguing than MGS V....and I used to be a HUGE MGS fan.
Kojima/Konami, whoever wants to take the blame, put out a half finished, confused game. The online was poorly implemented, the maps were boring and looked exactly the same with maybe 2 different location types in each continent/country and the mission structure...oh jeez. Some of the story missions were fun and inventive but almost all the side ops were EXACTLY THE SAME. I couldn't believe this was a Kojima product, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was all Konami's fault.
Or maybe you're right and the Metal Gear series does not lend itself to a full open world game. They should have kept the semi-open structure of MGS 4. Let's hope Death Stranding redeems Kojima.
soul_starter's comments