I will be posting a series of mini reviews on games from years gone by and seeing if they have stood the test of time. This is me putting my childhood on the line for your enjoyment, be aware of my sacrifice. So, we kick things off with:
Doom 3
What they originally said
At the time of release, Doom 3 was a technological marvel. Graphically, few games carried the intensity, atmosphere and lighting at a time when a lot of this was quite novel. The engine would inspire a tonne of copycats, the art direction would do the same. It received an overwhelmingly positive response, with an 87 average on metacritic. Almost all reviewers raved about the latest edition in the fabled series.
Outside of the graphics, the gameplay was so different to what gamers had become accustomed to with the Doom series. Gone was the arena shooter origins, this was a first person survival horror. It was entirely unique for the time. The way it looked certainly helped too. This was the must have FPS of the mid-00s, alongside Half Life 2 of course. They said it was great.
Does it hold up today?
In all honesty, the answer is a yes and a no. Graphically, maxed out, it looks damn good, even a decade or so later. We have obviously seen big graphical leaps in the FPS genre but there is still something dark and beautiful about the dimly lit, metallic corridors and trails of blood. Not to mention the misshapen monstrosities which jump out at you from the shadows. The art direction has clearly inspired Doom 4, or Doom as it labels itself.
The gameplay however, leaves a lot to be desired. With the fluidity of motion we've had from the Crysis series and the set pieces of a Call of Duty or Battlefield, this all feels so tame and at times, boring. Go here, shoot that, open this door, rinse and repeat. And lots of back tracking. In 2016, it just didn't hold my attention the same way it did back then.
Should I still play it?
If you can find a cheap deal, namely a Steam sale, then yeah, why not. It's a cool way to pass a couple hours and in short dosages, is still entertaining and gory. However, it isn't going to hold your attention for hours on end and if you're looking for that, you're better off looking for a new FPS.
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