I recently bought a Saumsung 320 GB Drive for my PS3 but today when turning on my console the stayed black for a long time and when i'd takea look at the Hard Drive light indicator it was flashing it was completely off. After like 2 to 3 minutes it began to flash and the PS3 then started up perfectly.
soulreaper-4's forum posts
At least from what you guys have told me there's nothing wrong with my system, i wish so cuz i don't want to call Sony again, wait for a box and then wait like two weeks to see if i receive my unit repair or a replacement and lose all my copy protected save files if it's a replacement.
I recently received my PS3 repaired from Sony and after like an hour or almost two hours of playing i notice that it make more noise. The fans begin to spin harder. This is the first time i have notice this. I'm not sure if this is something normal or is something cause by the temperature here where i live. Right know here in summer is very hot specially the room where the PS3 is in. I sent my PS3 to Sony only because a small problem with the disc drive.
1. Is it normal to hear a bit of noise when turning the console on?
2. Could it be that Sony change something that is causing this?
3. Does yours do the same?
The number o characters is the only con so far in BlazBlue. But maybe this way we wont be fighting with a bunch people using Ryu and Ken online like in Street Fighter VI.KOFXII. 12 characters in BlazBlue is not good.
I'd reserved Blaz Blue at GameStop but after looking at King of Fighters XII that may change in the coming weeks. Very difficult to choose one of them if you like fighting games.:?
You can get 420 more gig of space for under a hundred dollars, so it's kind of silly not to. And with all that space you'd have no excuse to not install Linux on it and bask in the glory that is the HTPC.VoiceOfPlanetIf you were short on money what would you do? Change the Hard Drive or spend the money in a Greatest Hits tittle with a PSN Card or spend it use the money for one of this summer's releases.
I'm not too sure if i should buy a bigger Hard Drive and i would like your help. If i leave my 80GB Hard Drive without any Demo only with my game save files and installation i have around 32GB of space available. I'm interested in some PSone games and some Add-Ons so should i upgrade the Hard Drive?
I'd found a Samsung 250GB on Ebay for 57.99 but i'm not sure because i can use that money one of this sumer's game or for a Greatest Hit tittle and a PSN Card.
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