Yeah i don't get it why they are selling it for $169.99, it isn't as powerful as the PSP graphically, have less features and doesn't even have the GBA Slot, they price could be justified if it had a GBA slot.I would go for DSi if it had GBA game slot but since it doesnt, i prefer lite
soulreaper-4's forum posts
I think $170 is way too much for a DSi, especially if oyu already have a DS. I mean for just $30 more you could get an xbox 360. That alone makes the DSi look like a rip IMO. I would wait it out to see what happens with it, it's not that major of an upgrade if you have a DSLCouth_Yeah it should be like $139.99, the system doesn't have the graphical power of the PSP, the Screens are lower resolution and aren't as big as the one of the PSP, and have less capabilities.
I've heard the system have a bit more powerful processor and four times the RAM but maybe the extra RAM is there for the Browser, even if they launch DSi only games i think they are going to look like normal DS games. Maybe this is going to be the Gameboy Color of this generation.Nintendo has apparently claimed that the DSi is suppose to get "exclusive" software do that's really the deal breaker. I myself refuse to upgrade until I see these new games.
I wouldn't worry about a PSP2. It would be silly for Sony to suddenly support a platform only to release it's sucessor right after.
I am one of those persons that are between trading in a DS Lite and paying extra money for a DSi, but i'm not sure if this is a good investment. Althought it features, larger and brighter screens, new and updatable menu, SD card slot, matte casing with better speakers, Browser, downlodable content and two cameras intended for gameplay it is still a DS. and The worse thing is tha the DS have been in the market for like 4 years, and with rumors of a PSP2 on the way that can be show at E3, Nintendo can end launching the successor to the DS next year.
1. In your opinion should someone thinking like me should not upgrade?
2. Should people wait still E3?
I personally don't consider a DS Lite or other portable game system for kids of of 5 years even if there are Dora and Diego's games available for it, those kids companies launch these games that are poorly made and then make parent's think the systems are good for kids. It' would be somewhat OK for a kid of like 10 to 12 years, these systems are very fragile, kids of 4 and 5 years doesn't even know to read well and many of the features and games for the DS and others systems are complicated for them to play and understand.
Actually the DSi have better and louder Speakers.Improvements i want to see on the next DS would be the following:
1. Louder speakers.
2. Download patches for games (I don't know if this is even possible)
3. Pictochat online?
4. Better support for routers like being able to use other security things instead of just WEP keys.
5. Ability to sync your DS to an online server like for blog and stuff since looking at the DSi that's where we are headed.
6. Little more improvement on the graphics wont hurt, right?
7. A much more powerful wi-fi detection.
Well thats about it.
Nintendo didn't care of it design before launching it, why did they put to cable in downside the controller and it need to be connected to the Remote and you can't at least attach the Remote to the back of it. For me is very uncomfortable to use it with the Dpad for long gaming sessions and the face buttons are too away from each other. I prefer the GameCube Controller but it can't be use in some games like Super Mario World.
Which one you prefer?
I think the Design of the Controller is one of the worst, Nintendo didn't care of it design before launching it, why did they put to cable in downside the controller and it need to be connected to the Remote and you can't at least attach the Remote to the back of it. For me is very uncomfortable to use it with the Dpad for long gaming sessions and the face buttons are too away from each other.
PS3: blu-ray, free online 360: superior games Both are good but yeah this what it comes down to really.umcommonThe PS3 have a lot more features than the 360:
1. Blue Ray
2. More disc space for bigger games
3. More powerful CPU
4. Browser
5. Free online
6. Changeable HardDrive
7. Can use USB storage devices and any Keyboard
8. Controllers came with integrated charging battery's
9. No Red Ring of Death
10. Built in Wi-Fi
11. Better Controller Dpad
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