[QUOTE="duvalbosnian"]pc is better, basically kids just console game. You are acting like a kid, PC is not a game console you need to built it.now i am a proud xbox 360 owner and i think it is the best thing ever!!!
now i just want to know what is so speacial about a ps3 why should i think that it is better than a 360?
and should i ever swich to a ps3?
soulreaper-4's forum posts
thanks everyone oh and i bought a ds lite because the DSi here cost almost the double of a DS lite, and i really dont need the camera, i just wanted a great handheld so the wifi thing depends on the game? like which games? any more specific hints to connect the ds to internet?TIGERLIONXDude the DSI is not only about a camera It wasn't intended to be a kodak or Sony digital Camera to take photos. First the camera is intended for gameplay like the eyetoy and to do crazy stuff with the editor. It have:
1. bigger and brighter screens
2. better and lauder speakers
3. better D pad
4. new menu that can be updated
5. web browser, downlodable content
6. ability to raise or lower the screen brightness wile playing and the ability to go directly to the menu
7. new matte finish with an additional light to indicate a Wi-Fi connection
8. more powerful CPU, four time the RAM of the Lite
9. weight less and even come with $10.00 of points to spent in downloads.
To play Majoras Mask people needed the Expansion Pack that added an additional 4 MB of RAM to the already 4 inside the system, but the DSi have like 16 MB of RAM. I think it should be possible.i'm pretty sure it's more powerful than the 64, but i don't know if it can produce games like Majora's Mask cause didn't Majora's Mask come with a RAM expander?
Can it be possible to create a game like Zelda Majoras Mask or Ocarina of Time on the DS? I've heard the DSi have double the size of RAM available in previous DS models and a more powerful CPU.
Yes but that can means that they are gonna use that for their own games.OPrecieves the award for the most EPIC PHAIL.Microsoft doesn't make it , genius. Way to not read the article you linked. It is made by a 3rd party company and they are also making one for the PS3.
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