soulreaper-4's forum posts
Awesome, Thx a lot man. I'm definitely goin for Colosseum now =]Mooseyboy9
I had Colosseum and ended selling it. I recommend you that if you're looking to fight your pokemons in 3D you should go with Pokemon Battle Revoulution, it doesn't have a story, but if you're looking for battles with your DS games this one is the best, superior graphics than all other console Pokemon games, better effects and better music. you can even copy all your DS game's boxes with all the pokemons you got, It is more like a program to let you fight your pokemons in 3D. Coloseum have very poor graphics in the story mode, it's very linear, almost all the music and sounds are very bad and the battles are slower, oh and if you can only connect it to the GBA games but using an old GC Link cable.
Gamestop sale used DS Lites for $109.99, and right now they are giving for them in trade-in $50.00 plus $25.00 if you're trading it for credit. For me $75.00 is a good deal considering you're getting more than half the price of a used one.
1: Is the single player long and satisfying and have alot of replayabillity??
2: How good is the online?
3: Can you play custom sound tracks in game?
4: Overall is it worth the money?
1. The single player mode is like almost every fighting game, it have an arcade mode and a challenge mode, you need to clear arcade mode with every character to unlock Seth, don't expect a Story Mode. The Arcade features Anime cenes but they aren't any good and doesn't work too well with the game. The game can be frustrating when fighting Seth in medium or higher difficulty. And don't forget it features a VS mode like all fighting games Player vs CPU or Player vs Player.
2. The on-line mode is not perfect but it still very good.
3. I haven't checked that.
4. Overall is worth the money, especially if you like fighting games. For me is great fighting game.
sounds like there's a serial ink splasher around your area...lock all your doors and blind the windows.verbalfilthWow very funny but i'm not joking, this is probably something about the process of printing the game art.
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