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#1 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

I think an HD version of the Wii would have been a much smarter choice than a black Wii. Going out and forking over another few hundred dollars for an HD Wii is much more sensible than spending a few hundred dollars for a black Wii when you already have a white Wii. On the other hand, I'd rather see Nintendo make a new HD next-gen system rather than make an HD version of the Wii.

Unfortunately, making the Wii non-HD was one of Nintendo's many mistakes in the context of hardcore gaming. The Wii seems to be largely marketed for families, so non-HD is fine for that target demographic. But for those of us who are more hardcore, it's a major drawback.

Nintendo didn't realised the Wii in black for people with a white one, it is to atract new buyers with the color.
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#2 soulreaper-4
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It's also a fact that Wii sales have started to decline. And nodoubt everyone one who wanted one no doubt has one by now.

That's what popular, non-necessary items do over-time, especially when it's something that you only have to buy once for your family to enjoy. Even so, the Wii's still selling at a pace that trumps any other gaming system you can think of for the amount of time it's been out not named the DS. The Wii's idea of "declining" would typically be the HD systems' idea of a really good month. Let's not forget that. :P

True indeed. However Both Sony and Microsoft are always updating theire consoles with newer features like being slimmer and having bigger hard-drives and it boosts sales. Wouldn't hurt Nintendo to atleast update there console too with HD720p after all have you seen those Emulated Wii games on youtube? being in 720p makes the games look frigging fantastic with no jaggies.

I would gladly pay 200$ or whatever forHD wii. Since i can't play my Wii because my TV is too big and playing a 480p console on a 1080p TV is too bad. It's all blurly and crap.

It's not the same as the Wii the newer PS3s are slimmers but Sony has taken out three slots for SD and Micro SD cards, power swith from the back, touch panel for on and off and integrated BC and the exterior of the first one was made of a better material. I have a slim and had a 40GB one. As for the Hard Drive i wouldn't call that an upgrade, a bigger drive doesn't make a model better than the other, you can get one of your choise. Game consoles where not designed to be played on giant tvs like the ones raging from 50 and up inches. Many times when the Wii games look blurry and like crap it is caused by the quality and ability of the tv to handle SD resolution. That's a problem many people as of today don't understand, a bigger tv with 1080p doesn't means it will look better for games and better than all 720p tvs. Hey and those youtube videos of illegal copies of Wii games alter in HD are crap and doesn't show what HD is. HD details in video games can't be seen using uploaded videos online, HD is not better colors, HD means more details and clarity in the image. Playing a SD game on a good HD tv will show you the real graphics of the game you are playing, you will be able to notice every minor problem becase HD tvs are more clear in the image quality that's why Zelda Twilight Princess doesn't look that great on my tv wile Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, GameCube Paper Mario, Viewtiful Joe and many other Cube games look great.
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#3 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

Well don't you think they need to remodel the whole system? You need to right graphics card like the 360 runs on 500MHz ATI Xenos, Good memory like 512MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700MHz, Good sound out puts like Analog stereo, Dolby Digital 5.1 etc.

While PS3 runs on the CPU 3.2 GHz Cell Broadband engine, the graphics (runs at 550Mz Nvidia/ SCEI RSX Reality Synthesizer, plus runs on different video outputs. Like HDMI runs on 480p,576p,720p,1080i and 1080p, D-Terminal, Component, RGB, Composite Video, etc.

A big work if it needs to run on HD.

Graphic card? Game consolesGPU are not in the form of cards like in PCs. I hope you understand what i mean.
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#4 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

well with ylod it has nothing to do with hard drive. its just the gpu and cpu (the 2 big squares on motherboard) got over heated and seperated from it. so all you gotta do is heat it up with a heat gun and your good to go. if your worried about dust you can go to one of computers stores like frys, and buy one of those computer made vacuums that sucks dust out without damaging anything

Getting a yellow light doesn't always means a separation from the GPU or CPU.
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#5 soulreaper-4
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Yeah i figure that and thats why i know i'm not at a lost yet. I did get the enclosure kit and think that might help. I know already that it won't work on computer. I will say it will be a surprise if they fix it and send it back. My only concern is just getting my games file so i can use them. if i have to wait for it to be repaired that fine.


if you send it to sony they wipe your HDD clean
the only thing that is daved is your trophies and multiplayer data that stored on their servers

You are wrong they erased your data if you receive a replacement not if you receive your same unit.

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#6 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

yep YLOD
you can't save your files now
maybe if you can find someone to quick fix it then find a way to back it up
then go out and buy a slim
it's what i did


Again! the yellow light is not a defect in the PS3 like the 360, it is just an indicator that an internal component is not working. Most of these cases a caused by the user without them knowing, an example is putting the system in an encased area without proper ventilation.

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#7 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts
[QUOTE="intro94"]KOF 12 is a very low demanding game (compared to current gen games)that involves much lesser proccessing power than TVC. Michael-Smith
I think you're getting hung up on the idea that KoF 12/13 is using 2D sprites. Guess what? To get 2D sprites looking that good, it actually takes MORE processing power than running a 3D game like Tatsunoko. Let me put it this way: Remember the old NES days when too many things got on the screen and the game slowed down? That's because the system was processing more sprites than it could handle. This is exactly what would happen on the Wii with KoF 12/13. KoF 12/13 uses HD sprites. Remember that 2D sprites are like flip books. When each sprite is loaded, every single frame needs to load. The Wii simply can't handle it, as KoF 12 sprites use WAY more frames than previous 2D fighters. Now, can it be adjusted to work on the Wii? Sure. But they will have to bring a lot of the detail down, resulting in an inferior version compared to the other consoles. That would be fine to Wii only owners, but people who have more than one system will purchase the HD version of the game, meaning the work the spend porting it to the Wii probably wouldn't be very profitable. Companies don't do things that *might* be profitable, they do things they KNOW will be profitable. This is why KoF 12 was not on the Wii and it's why KoF 13 will not be on the Wii. Does it suck? Yup. I don't own the other consoles, either, and I love KoF. I was so happy they chose to stick with 2D Sprites to show the world how good 2D can still look. Now hopefully they don't rush 13 out the door like they did with 12 (crappy net code and no end boss, what?) and save the series from destruction. Another bomb like 12 will push the game into obscurity/niche status, and future installments may never happen.

That's a perffect explanation. Sadly many Wii only owners are still waiting for a game like this and they won't get it until the arrival of a Wii sucessor. That's why i have my Wii for Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros. etc and a PS3. If fighting games you like then you need to get PS3 or 360 to be alongside your Wii.
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#8 soulreaper-4
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There are you're just not seeing them.

Yeah i know there are some small ones but not like the first stage i decribed from Mario Galaxy.
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#9 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

I'm having a blast right now with Mario Galaxy 2 but after days playing it i have noticed something strange. Were are the cool spherical planets available in the original Mario Galaxy? I remeber how awsome it was staring playing the first stage and discovering you could walk all the way dow the planet and find routes and different things that weren't on the top side. From what i played so far in Galaxy 2 there arent stages like this.

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#10 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts
You must be one of those kids that think games need to be rated M to be mature. I've played games rated T that are more mature than games rated M. If a game have blood and gore, nudity or sex it will get an M rate if not it gets E or T. Wanting a Zelda with blood, gore or nudity is ridiculous.