So 38 comments and nobody has stated the obvious. The switch is manufactured in China even though Nintendo is a Japanese company. They, along with Apple were impacted by China shutting down due to the virus. Its really that simple. Nintendo is just playing dumb and acting like demand just shot thru the roof. Yes, it is selling well. But sales didn't just take off due to the virus. The supply line was disrupted.
@tlpina: I would not get too excited yet about the PS5's power- According to data recently compiled by Digital Foundry, the next-gen Xbox Series X will be 1.3 times as powerful as the PlayStation 5. This would obviously destroy rumors that the PS5 would be “the world’s most powerful console.”
@sideboobjoe: I call BS on your comment. You just setup your account TODAY!. You have never once posted a comment on this site until today. So what job do you do at Google?
@camverge: I will add further still , that it also remains to be seen how well their party/chat system will work. The Google Talk app on phones is horrible if you have a crap connection.
@Portra777: there are few things you are not considering.
1. With a PSN membership, that is almost guaranteed that there will be at least 2 games in the year that you will get with no additional cost there by effectively negating the cost of PSN.
2. Your cost is the cost at launch not two years after the console has been out.
3. If you buy physical games for your PS you can sale them trade between friends etc if you want. Not gonna happen with Stadia.
4. IF you want a PS6 , you can/will be able to trade your PS5 in to reduce that price. So your $1020 is not necessarily accurate.
5. It remains to be seen how the PvP will be with Stadia. a 1/10 of a second lag can get you utterly destroyed in PvP. Single player games its manageable because the player sets his own pace.
6. Travel you can take your PS anywhere and play anywhere there is a TV WITHOUT an internet connection or at best a shoddy connection, which is quite common in hotels. Where the stadia would be nothing more than a paperweight.
In looking at the video above. I think Ray tracing is overhyped. The AVERAGE player would not notice or care. It just changes the shadows, that's it. Some will even say depending on the scene that some look better without the ray tracing. I have to think to that developers in general will not put a lot of effort into this until 3 or 4 years into the next gen console , if then. I would also like to know what percentage of the gamer/player total population play on 4k vs 1080p not on PC, but on console. Also how are those 4K games go to perform when streaming to Stadia and such.
I would much rather developers work more on animations such as NPCs facial expressions while talking and movements that look more real. Just my opinion....
@xgalacticax: there will be no remasters as everything on PS4 will be fully compatible and playable on PS5. Thank Phil Spencer for forcing Sony to do that.
@Tidus1012: please go take some economics classes please. You are completely and utterly wrong. For a whole host of reasons. Your comment shows that you have no clue how markets and economies work.
spartanx169x's comments