@jenovaschilld: the comics are great. Hollywood continually screws up because they almost completely ignore the source material to "Make it their own" and then they wonder why it fails. The market is also reaching/reached saturation to the point if the next superhero movie(s) are not solid in terms of script they will fail and the era of superhero movies will be over for 5 to 10 years. One major flop and I think its over (DC or Marvel). I'm fully expecting the next set of marvel movies to bomb because they are venturing to far with virtually unknown characters. DC has had so many disasters its come to be expected. Wonder Woman and Aquaman were really good, not withstanding.
@alastor529: And as a result the movie will bomb and that will be the end of Deadpool movies for at least 10 years, maybe even 15. The problem is that they go too far from the source material in an attempt to gain mainstream fans. It will fail.
This game is going to be like Minecraft in the respect that it will go on and on due to a constant inflow of kids just starting to get into video games. I just wish I wasn't terrible at the game lol. I just can't build. Oh well, back to BL3 for me.
@jsprunk: I hope that MS does not change the controllers. It would be a huge power move to use the same controllers of the XB1. At this point there is really no need to change them. It would have saved them tons of time and money by not trying to reinvent the wheel. It would also effectively lower the cost of purchase and ownership. They have spent a crap ton of money on the elite controller as well. why go thru that process again when its not needed. got my fingers crossed.
@goldenelementxl: @Malzius Zen 2 is the 3rd generation Ryzen chip. Based on the naming above. It APPEARS that PS5 is going with the first gen chip, this is just based on the name in the article. Sony could be playing poker and holding back that the chip is 2nd or third gen. We won't know for a while, If Sony was holding back or not. It is safe to say that Xbox will be on par or even possibly faster than Sony. they will not be weak like last(current) gen.
@HalcyonScarlet: I'm pretty sure Spencer said or at least very strongly implied that they were going to use both a SSD and HDD for the Xbox. He commented about it related to what are gamers biggest complaints, loading screens are one of the chronic complaints about games. I can't say about PS5.
@boardsport311: touché my friend, touché. apparently I can’t. I was going off memory. It is in fact roughly .11 cents per day if you get annual membership for $40 for an entire year. Still dirt cheap.
@videogameninja: Googles success will be highly dependent on if they can actually produce a “must have” game such as what Halo did for Xbox. To date I have yet to see such a game advertised by Google. Google is famous for getting into stuff without doing proper research then failing as a result.
@davillain: Not gonna happen. The expense for their network is huge given their success. They can’t just eat it. The PS+ cost to a player is also dirt cheap really. Not to mention the games they give away. Literally as low as .11 cents per day if you get the annual membership on sale. The last two years I have paid $40 for a whole year. If a person can not afford that then they should consider another hobby. It also pays to not buy every single game at launch. I have gotten quite a few thru PS+ simply by waiting . In fact a have quite a bit of a backlog because of it.
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