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spongebobfan_17 Blog

Videogame of the week: Pokemon Pearl Version

8)= Perfect

:D= Awesome

:)= Good

:?= I was waiting more

:(= Bad

:evil:= Horrible

:cry:= Awful

Raiting: 8)


This game is my favorite of the DS, it doesn't matter if you don't like the show (but I like it anyway:P:D), you'll LOVE this game, the history is LONG, but you never get boring and it's a little hard:?, but I LOVE IT!!! You have to play it:D!!!

Funny/scary story+Weird last school day+Final exams

Funny/scary story

Yesterday I had A LOT of homework for today, so I sleeped at 2:30 am:shock:!!! But I was working secretly (because if my parents noticed that I sleeped late, they'll kill me), so I switch on a little desk lamp and I have a virtual friend (well it's a Pixel Chix, I don't know if you've see it), so suddenly the desk lamp switch off and my virtual friend switch on at the same time, so I heard to my virtual friend in the dark, I get scared and I started to shout and jump like a crazy, because I get scared SO MUCH!!! and I go out of my bedroom, but my parents don't heard me, but then I discover that my desk lamp was so hot that it just switch off, but...I don't know why my virtual friend switch on:shock:!!!

Weird last school day

Today the SEP (Secretary of Public Education) applicated an exam, it's not for evaluate, but we lost our last math class and today was the day to say good bye to my favorite teacher Homero:cry:, my friend Rosa Maria (all the world call her Rose:P) told me that she saw to Homero and his eyes was red, so maybe he cried!!! Homero really like my generation, it's a rumor that maybe his going to be advisor of 9th grade:D, but we're not sure, I like him more like math teacher, but like an advisor is going to be great too.

Pepe Cubito (my ex boyfriend) and his friends (except "my friend") made me a joke!!! But they hide my pencil case, when I was doing my history work and it was for today, luckily I finish it, but they hide it and I thought "my friend" did it, but he didn't and in that moment I was woried, because I had my USB in that pencil case, so Pepe Cubito was an IDIOT and Rose heard to him and to the weird guy saying that it was funny:cry:!!! IDIOTS!!! now I feel guilty, I have to apologize with "my friend", because I blame him for something without have a good reason.

And we had a concert (of classic music) I been all the concert with Rose and we laughted a lot, but Pepe Cubito was in front of me, but we laught of him and he don't listened us, but today, we get sad, because we're not going to laught together anymore, because probably we're not going to be in the same classroom next year:cry:.

I already miss Rose and our vacations doesn't start yet:cry:.

Final exams

My final exams are in next week and 3 days of next week after, I'M NERVOUS, we just have to go at 8:30 am to 10:30 to make a exam per day and then we can recycle our books and notebooks!!!

I'm WORIED for math exam!!! If I don't pass the exam, I will do the extraordinary and if I don't pass it...I will leave my school:shock:!!!

Math nightmare+I won't survive!!!+English final exam

Math nightmare

Yesterday I give to Homero (math teacher) the super guide, but I had to correct somethings today, so I have to show it tomorrow again, but the real problem was my notebook, I don't have NOTHING!!! So I tryed to complete it, but I don't finished and I teared out A LOT of pages, I'm not sure of what he's going to tell me, but it's not going to be good.

I won't survive!!!

In monday I was in the doctor, because suddenly appeared an alergic, I don't know why or what is my alergic, but the doctor told me that I can't drink SODA!!!, colourings, sweeteners, etc. The problem is that I can't eat candy and CHOCOLATE!!!, I love chocolate, I want to eat chocolate, candy and SODA!!! and I have to be without eat all that during 2 WEEKS!!!

English final exam

Tomorrow I have the english final exam, that means today was my last oficial english class (it's good because I hate that class, is boring, but I love english) I'm a little nervous, but I'm the best of all the girls of the classroom, so I'll be okay, I'm not so good in english, I have problems with the verbs and all that, but one guy in my classroom think grab is krab, both are totally diferent, most of my english classmates are bad with english.

Movie of the week: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

This week must be a videogame, but I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and I decided to make an exception this time.

8)= Perfect

:D= Awesome

:)= Good

:?= I was waiting more

:(= Bad

:evil:= Horrible

:cry:= Awful

Raiting: 8)


You have to see it:D!!! It's one of the most awesome movies I've ever seen:D!!!

I want to recomend you two videos, because I laught A LOT with this videos:lol:: (Somebody know who sing this song and the name of the song?)

This one is VERY FUNNY:lol:, I love it:lol::

My ex boyfriend have a mental problem!!!

My cousin Luisa had another conversation with my ex boyfriend and now he said that I'm following him all the time:evil: and he said that one time he go to the bathroom and when he exit of the bathroom I was there:shock::evil:!!! He have a mental problem!!! WHAT CLASS OF PERSON HE THINK I AM?! Or maybe he have a childhood trauma!!!

I want to kick him and give him a slap:evil:!!!

NOTE: My cousin Luisa maybe is going to talk with him later, so if she do it, I will edit this blog.

I will tell you all the ways my friends and me call him, the 3 nicknames with numbers are the 3 that we use more, the 1 is the most used:

1.- Pepe cubito (Pepe is his name and cubito in english is little cube)

2.- Game cube (For his head)

3.- Bank robber (Because he looks like one)

Master of crime (For the same reason that the last one)

Cube head (We don't use this one so much)

1000 prisms head (his head have form of a lot of prisms)

I don't want to talk him anymore in all my life after the way he talk about me, it's very sad:cry:, he make me feel like a...LUNATIC:cry:!!!

Please, someone stop my tears!!!

A long time ago I gived to my cousin Luisa (she lives in Aguascalientes, Mexico) the e-mail of my ex boyfriend and she talked with him in wednesday, but my ex boyfriend doesn't know that she's my cousin, because she want to help me to know all the things he think about me and he said HORRIBLE things about me and this is what he said, but I resume it, because is so sad:cry::

1.- "Karina was obsessed with SpongeBob SquarePants, she was ever talking about it". That's a lie, IDIOT!!! Hardly ever I talk about it, he was ever talking about Miley Cyrus and I just talked about SpongeBob a couple of times:cry:.

2.- "Someone told me that she was unfaithful with me and she was ever talking with my best friend and not with me". Yes, maybe, but I was ever talking about you, IDIOT!!! Because talking with him was talk with a rock!!! And his best friend (my "friend") is a good person and my ex boyfriend NEVER told me that he was angry for that, how he want to me to know, if he NEVER told me?! Reading his mind?!:cry:.

3.- "She dump me 3 times". I was wishing a date with him, but he never ask me for a date, that 3 times was go with him AND HIS FRIENDS to the movie teather (do you know the song SOS - Jonas Brothers?, well I feel like that) and the was the weird guy who is in love with me and I don't wanna be near of him.

And when Luisa ask him if was sad to break up with me he said: "NO MUCH, REALLY". IDIOT!!! That hurts me so much:cry:!!!

4.- "I tryed to talk with her, but she's ignoring me and I get boring of try". That's a lie too!!! I was trying to talk with him, but he was ignoring me, but after all this things, I don't want to see him again:cry:!!!

And today my ex boyfriend was looking for liquid paper (when you use a pen and for correct your mistakes on the paper), so he ask to the weird guy to ask me for mine (IDIOT!!!) and I lend it two times, but my friend of my classroom (Rosa Maria, but all the world call her Rose) told me: "Told to Juan Luis (weird guy) if he's going to use it or Pepe (my ex boyfriend, but we call him Cube head), Pepe want it, he have to ask you", so I told to Juan Luis that and he said that to Cube head and he never ask me for it!!! I HATE YOU:cry:!!!

I want a hug:cry:!!! I'm so sad:cry:!!!


Social service

Today I had social service, I went to a Tele secundaria (7th, 8th and 9th), but it's not in the city, so we traveled 1 hour to be there, it's in Cuautinchan (or something like that:P) and we were divided in teams, my team was with kids of 7th grade and I had fun:D, we talk them about the alcohol and all that things (they didn't knew a lot of things about that), we played a war of lather in a can, some of that lather gets into my mouth:lol:, then we played with the ball and when I tryed to kick the ball like in volleyball, accidently I don't do it to in front, I do it to the back, that was pretty funny:lol: and we played catchball with water ballons that was fun too:D, but then we go to take sit in a bench and Homero (my math teacher) told us: "Go to coexistence with the people of this school" we stay there and he comes again and told us: "Do you understand or not?!", we go to hide us and we find to my ex boyfriend "cube head:lol:", so he call to my friend!!! and he started to say a lot of fool things and I answer him, but he don't do the same with me (MORON!!!), but then Homero comes because he saw us (to his friends and to me and my friends) and we (my friends and me) ran and I don't know if he saw us:lol: and then we go to hide to a classroom, because Homero was guarding us, but he get distracted and we return to that place, but there was another guys and sudenly Homero saw them (well, I'm not sure if he saw us too) and he shout VERY LOUD: "GUYS!!!", and we ran:lol:, I still scared:lol: and my "friend" wasn't there, so I bother to another friend of my ex boyfriend, it was fun:D. I had a great time in the social service:D.

What I'm going to do?!

Today I was in my classroom and suddenly appear my "friend" and we started to make jokes about each other:P, but suddenly comes my ex boyfriend and he said my name and I though: "Yeah, finally he's going to explain me what he's feeling about me or something like that:D", but he pointed to the weird guy who is in love with me and the weird guy said: "Do you want to go to the movie teather with us this friday" and I said: "I don't know" (stupid answer:P) and then my "friend" said: "If she go, I'll go too", but I guess he said that because his hobbie is make me jokes.

Should I go or not?!

I THOUGHT my ex boyfriend is going to be there and he's SO cute:P:D (that's the good side:))

But, the weird guy is going to be there too:? (the bad side:()

Movie of the week: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

8)= Perfect

:D= Awesome

:)= Good

:?= I was waiting more

:(= Bad

:evil:= Horrible

:cry:= Awful

Raiting: :D

This movie is REALLY AWESOME, the story is awesome and the battles...all is awesome. You have to see this movie, because if you don't see it... (jocking:P), I really enjoyed this movie, I hope you enjoy this movie too:P.

Note: This is my 50th blog:D!!!

A weird/bad/funny week

Well, first I have to told you, I had A LOT of school work this week, so sorry if I didn't comment your blogs:P.

Do you remember when I told you about Puebla's festival?, well it was a nightmare, but it was funny, too. In the first presentacion it was bad, because we sang like a dog crying:lol:. But after that my friend Karen, my friend the emo girl, the Karen's sister and me gone to Mcdonald's, we bought ice creams and then we toke sit and watched TV and then I saw a Ronald Mcdonald's draw and he was lying down and with the hand up like saying hi, but I said to my friends: "Hey, look, that Ronald Mcdonald's is flirting us":lol:, we laught a lot, some minutes after that we gone to sing, but it was so hot there!!! and I was with a face like thinking: "God, please I want to go home" and suddenly my dad shout: "Karina, smile" and all my classmates saw me!!! that was so embarrassing and we sang even worse than the last time.

What's that in the sky? it's a bird, it's a plane, no!!!, it's the super guide:lol:

I'm going to explain you what's the super guide, it's something like a math proyect, it have 60 math problems and it helps to study for...THE FINAL EXAM, but remember, it's not a's a super guide:lol:. So my math teacher, Homero, like Homer Simpson, because here in Mexico is Homero Simpson, and it's hard to believe, but my teacher looks like him:lol:, we had to show him 30 math problems solved (for the last thursday, so it was for yesterday) and I worked on it all wednesday afternoon and I finished:D, but I don't show it to Homero and you'll see why in my next "history".

My music teacher told us (a lot of weeks before) that we're going to sing the next monday, but!!! I was the thursday (the same day to show the super guide) and suddenly, my music teacher make to someone to call to all of us (the people of chorus) and they told us that the contest was that day, because the SEP (Secretaria de Educacion Publica, traduced: Public Education Secretary) change it without tell to my school, because the other schools knew it, but it was worse for me, because we have two uniforms: Daily uniform: it's for normal days. Gym uniform: We use it all the day, but just when we have gym that day. So the thursday I have to use gym uniform and in that contest we ever need to use daily uniform in that contest so I changed the uniform with another girl, of another classroom!!!, I don't like to change clothes and the skirt was so big for me that it was like a dress:lol: and I had to change my tennis shoes for shoes, but the shoes of that girl was so big that I had to change with a 6 grade girl, but nobody had shoes of the same size, but it was late, so I stay with any shoes and I toke the shoes of the 6 grade girl and that shoes was BIG and I walked very funny:P. But we lost in 4th place, it was totally unfair, but I lost math class and I didn't show to Homero my 30 exercises, a lot of work for anything, but today I show him the exercises:D.

And we had to do a fisic proyect and I was alone, because my friend of the classroom was in the team of a girl who hates me, because another friend of her was in that team too) so I just had yesterday to do my proyect and I made a compass, but a very simple one and the other people made something awesome, well, they don't have originality, because all the proyects was something about make works a bulb with a battery or something like that and all that for choose works for the science day. Today was the presentacion of our works and I show my compass and my friend work was weird and it doesn't work very work and my teacher say it with his funny style:lol: and mine was funny, because my teacher started a discourse and I don't knew if my work was okay, because I didn't understand anything he said:lol:, then I asked to my friend and she told it was okay:D and it's not going to be in the science day:D!!! you have to stay there all the day stand up explaining...BORING!!!:lol:

We was on the school library this tuesday and my friends started to make me go to the snack bar to buy all her things, who think I am?! the Santa Claus of candy?!, but that's not the point, we I had go the first time Karen told me that my exboyfriend inmediatly when I leave the library he talk with her!!!, he's a fool, I don't know why I continue in love with him:?.

And next week I have to go to make social service to a poor high school.