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Videogame of the week: Endless Ocean

8)= Perfect

:D= Awesome

:)= Good

:?= I was waiting more

:(= Bad

:evil:= Horrible

:cry:= Awful

Raiting: :)

The videogame is good, because is very intersting, especialy if you love the ocean like me, but there's a bad side, you can get bored easily and if you think the ocean and the fish, etc. are boring just don't buy it, I really enjoy this game, the effects are great, I like it, it's very intersting, you can discover a lot of things about the's so beautiful, I have to warning you something...the principal song can make you cry, it's so beautiful, I love that song.

A little bit about Puebla

Hi everybody:D!!!

We're going to have a festival tomorrow in Puebla's center and I have to go and sing "Que Chula Es Puebla":P, so I decided to talk you a little bit about my state Puebla:D

First of all it localization is in the center of the country, the weather is not so cold, but is not so hot either, it have a lot of history, the people love the talavera, it's the most important craft of the state and maybe of the country:P and Puebla have a lot of tipic food, but I REALLY love the Puebla's tipic candy...are so DELICIOUS:D!!!

I'm to lazy to write more about puebla, but I love it:D!!!


Getting better

Now I feel better:D!!!

Well, I continue a little sad, but not much, because yesterday I talked with my cousin, I told her about all the things are happenin and she think my ex boyfriend is jealous of my "friend"!!!

And yesterday my friends and I was in the school library and suddenly I find to my ex boyfriend and his friends (including to my "friend") and I said to my "friend" that I'm angry with him, because I think he said something to my exboyfriend and that's why he don't talk me and all the thing about his classroom...well, you know the story, I get angry about that because, he just going to talk me when there's nobody else there and that's RIDICULOUS!!!

So I feel better now that I start to think my ex boyfriend is jealous, I don't care if he don't want to be my boyfriend again, but...I want his friendship!!!

Now I'm going to make like I ignore to the both and the only thing I can make is wait for see what happen...

I still a little sad:(, but I'll be fine...well I hope so.

Thank you for your advice guys:D!!!

You make me feel a little better too, thank you so much:D!!! Is good to know that I have good friends around here;)!!!

More sad?, imposible!!!

This is going to be hard to believe, but I'm getting worse every day, I don't know what to do:cry:!!!

I want to talk with my ex boyfriend and say him: "I so sorry", because maybe I do something bad and maybe that's why he don't talk me and it's horrible, because I think he doesn't miss my friendship and I'm dying of pain because I lost his friendship, he was the most awesome friend I've ever had:cry:!!!

Today he said something to my "best friend" Karen (the girl who change me for an EMO), he said something about her hi5 and it wasn't something important, but I think I feel JEALOUS!!!, but Karen is UGLY, I don't think he's going to change me for her, isn't?, we sometimes had talked about how ugly is she:P, what if he find to another girl?!, I'm going to dye of pain in my little heart, all the days I'm sad, but nobody see it!!!

I want to hug to someone:cry:!!!

I'm not angry with him for broke with me, I'm sure I was the worst girlfriend of all the world:cry:!!!

And do you remember to my "friend"?, well he was in my classroom and he started to talk him me and I told him: Why are you talking me, if you said you're not going to talk me anymore? and he respond: "Because here isn't anyone who can say something", suddenly I thought: "What?!, you're going to talk me in the moment you want?!, BAD FRIEND, after the things he made me!!! I think he told to my ex boyfriend that I wanted to return with him and that's why he don't talk me!!!, now I guess I'm going to tell him that I'm angry to him and then he'll try to find why I'm angry and maybe he'll help me to resolve all, but I don't think so:cry:.

I just want to return everything to the normality:cry:!!!

I won't pass the math final exam, it's so hard and I can't do some exercise, I try and try, but I can't:cry:!!!

And when I was taking a shower suddenly I think in a sad melody, I made a song and I started to shed tears like a sink:cry: and now I ever cry with the songs of Air Supply, I love that songs, but they make me cry:cry: (specialy Lost In Love)

I can't be more sad:cry:!!!


I don't want to shed more tears!!!

All is a disaster!!!, I have a lot to say, so I'm going to resume it: I think my ex boyfriend hates me, because we was in religion class and suddenly a guy of my team sitted down in my table and do you remember to the weird guy?, well a long time ago in an excursion was a disco and we...well, you know, so my friends, my ex boyfriend and me are the only ones who knows what happened, so the guy of my team ask me what happened exactly and my ex boyfriend started to say: "Well, all happen when..." suddenly the both saw us to each other and I started to move my head like saying "This is much, even for you" and suddenly he don't sayed anything else. My "friend" don't talk me anymore, because the people of his classroom say he's in love with me, I miss him. My "best friend" don't talk with me so much, she changed me with an EMO girl and when she's not with that girl, she's with another girl. My parents are fighting for everything, what if they get divorced?! I don't know what brother entered to my room and he had read that about my ex boyfriend, that's much, that's pattentic. I'm scared of my math final exam, if the other exams were dificult, just imaginate this one. With all this things in my head, I think I'm going to explote!!! I don't know what to do!!! I'm not going to talk to anyone about all this, because that can make me feel like an IDIOT, more than this moment, because...I'm an IDIOT!!! Now ever when I heard a song, I cry!!!, today I was so near to cry when I heard the school hymn!!! And I haven't eat very good in all this time. I don't now what to do, I don't want to shed more tears, all this nights I have shed A LOT of tears, I'm confuse, I feel like an idiot, all is wrong!!! I resume all the things I feel, because I'm so sad to write.

Movie of the week: Made of Honor

This week I'm going to talk about: Made of Honor

8)= Perfect

:D= Awesome

:)= Good

:?= I was waiting more

:(= Bad

:evil:= Horrible

:cry:= Awful

Rating: :)

If you like the romantic comedies you will love this movie, but if you hate the romantic movies, but you love the's a good movie:P, but if you hate the both, just don't see it:(. I like very much this movie:P

Advice of the week

If you're not sure if you want to buy a movie

1.- Ask to a friend who have it if the movie is good or not much, then you have the advice of a friend and you can take a decision easiler and if your friend likes the same things than you it's going to be even easiler.

2.- If a friend have it, you ask him if he can lend it to you, then if you like very much you can decide if you will buy it.

3.- Rent it in places like Blockbuster, if you see it and it's a very good movie, you can buy it if you want, but be careful, because sometimes when you buy a movie it can be boring the second time when you see it.

If you need another advice or if you have a suggestion you can tell me in a comment or send me a message, I will listen it and I'll respond it in the next Videogame or movie of the week.

Mothers Day Festival

Tomorrow is going to be a festival in my school dedicated to all the mothers, because this saturday is the Mothers Day.

So there's going to be a mass and I have to sing because I'm in the chorus of the school:P.

I'm a little worried because this week I had A LOT of bad luck and A LOT of bad things already happened to me, my "friend" (who I'm ever making jokes) is very angry because everyone in his classroom is saying: "Karina is your girlfriend", the insult is bigger for me:lol:, is stupid, because he's trying to lie himself and A LOT of people tell me: "Why do you like SpongeBob?, it's for little kids!!!" and I don't care what the people say, I continue loving the show:).

And my mom is not going to be there:cry:, nobody of my family is going to be there:cry:.

But, I'm going to dedicate all the songs to my grandmother, she died in february, but she was the perfect example of a mother and a grandmother and she was so healthy, but one day the Cancer attacked her:cry:, the last year she goes to the festival, but she was already very sick, but she knew that the festival was very important to me.

Now she's with God, in the heaven, she deserves a day in her honor, because she helped to a lot of people, she was an AWESOME person all the people who met her loves her!!!

So, Tita (that's the way we ever call her) where ever you are...I'm going to give you my heart with the songs and you know I never going to forget you!!!

I love you!!!

Report Card 4

Hi everybody!!!, it's Karina again!!! and today I have...bad news:( and I thought you already know why...MY REPORT CARD.

If you're asking to yourself why the title say 4, well I'm going to explain you:

In my school we divided the school year by 5 evaluations and now I already received the 4th if you want to see my others grades here it is (the max. grade I can have is 10)

Warning: You can have nightmares:lol:

Spanish 8

Math 5

Fisic 8

History 8

Civic 10

English 9

Gym 10

Technology 10

Arts (Music) 10

Tutory 10

Religion 8

Total: 8.7

My grades are good, except math, I hate math, my mom is going to kill me and my dad is not going to be proud:cry:.

And if I have another 5 in math...I have to do the EXTRAORDINARY EXAM, you need to have a good grade in that exam if you want to stay in your school!!! and my math teacher is ever saying "To the people who doesn't study is not going to be a present the extraordinary exam", I'm scared:?.

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo:D!!!

For the people who doesn't know what it is here it goes the resume:

It's a holiday we have in Mexico and this day we celebrate the aniversary of a battle, this battle was in Puebla, so that's why today we don't have classes, but in another states of the country they have classes:(.


Note: Okay, this isn't about this holiday, but I already writed my first fanfiction story, I already make the first chapter. here's the link:

Well, I already make an advertisment, so maybe I can make another:

Take Sprite because...the lemon is good:D

That's enought advertisments for today:lol: