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This two days of bad luck

Yesterday, I was very happy in the math class, well, not so happy, because I hate math, but I was listening to my teacher and then he said: "The end of this school year is near", I started to think in what will happen with me and my ex boyfriend, because what if the next year he is in another classroom or in another school!!!, I still thinking for a while and sudenly my math teacher said: "Ana Karina, what's the next step in this exercise, I thought: "Oh my God, I don't know!!!" and then I answer: "You have to calculate the reason" and he said: "I already do it", after that I thought: "Oh my god, he already discover that I don't put attention!!!" and I started to say a lot of stupid things and I surrender and I said: "I don't know" and he started to told me a lot of things about put attention, but all the class listened and I started to laught and he looked me like saying: "Why are you laughting, this is serious", but I ever laught when I'm nervous.

And today we was checking the homework and it was my turn to say the answer but my teacher wanted I make it in the board, but then he said: "No, forget it, yestarday you don't put attention", I started to laught because I was very nervous and then he said: "It's good to see you laughting" and then I thought: "I can't believe he said that!!!" and then he said: "just wait to the exam, who laught at the end, laught better", I was surprised.

My math teacher scarred me, sometimes he intimidate, but he's a good teacher.

And the weird guy ask me for a date in the LITTLE vacation we're going to have for the "day work", I ansewer that I don't know because I was nervous, but I don't want to go out with him!!!, but maybe I can put jealous to my ex boyfriend, but if I do it, it will be horrible, like a nightmare and my dignity will fall down (maybe it sounds a little ridiculous, but it's true).

I don't know what to do!!!

It's an emergency!!!

Well, first I gotta say that I'm not dying or something like that:lol:, but it's something VERY IMPORTANT and I REALLY need help:

There's a guy in my classroom that is VERY WEIRD, the friday I was laughting about something my teacher said and then this guy saw me and putted a SCARY smile, I was scared:?, it was a smile like the smile of an evil assassin lunatic clown:lol:, I said clown because I'm afraid of the clowns:lol:, it's a long story, but that's not the point, the point is that the weird guy is in love with me!!!, I don't want that!!!, but it's getting worse, that weird guy is friend of my ex boyfriend, but I still in love with him, so if the weird guy ask me for I date I'm going to answer with a no (because if he do that of course I will respond no), but maybe if I do that my ex boyfriend is going to hate me.

Also the people think another friend of my ex boyfriend is in love with me!!! and that I'm in love with him, he's my friend too, but I don't love him!!!, I'm ever making him jokes about him:lol:.

And I have a third problem, the end of the school course is near and maybe my ex boyfriend is going to be in another classroom or in another school!!!, so I want to be his friend again, like before, because when we was friends all was PERFECT, but now he don't talk me anymore:cry: and I don't know how I can be his friend again.

Note: The last saturday (not today), I travel to Six Flags Mexico and I say to a man with a costume of Pepe Le Pew (the skunk of the Looney Tunes) and I remembered to my ex boyfriend, because is his name, you just must clear Le Pew and you already have his name:lol:, of course I'm not going to call him Pepe Le Pew:lol:.

What am I suppose to do?

My inesperate trip + My not talking experiment + Poetry contest

My inesparate trip

The last saturday sudenly I received a call and I noticed I was going to travel to Six Flags Mexico (in the Mexico capital), I was very excited and I ride in one of the 5 more extreme roller coasters, I ride in La Medusa, it's a BIG roller coaster of wood.

Here are the 5 extreme roller coasters, the number 1 is the most extreme (well, in my opinion):

1.- Superman el ultimo escape

2.- Batman the ride

3.- Kilahuea

4.- Boomerang

5.- Medusa

I feel very proud of myself for that

It was pretty funny, because when I was in the roller coaster repently I said myself: "Oh my God!!!, what I'm doing here!!!", I hurt my neck and my back:lol:

The roller coaster is of 42 mts. (I think in U.S.A you don't use the same metric system), but I'm very lazy to calculate:lol: and the speed is of 80 km/h

And I'm alive!!!:lol:

My not talking experiment

The monday I tried to don't talked in the school!!!, if you ask why, well, because sometimes I feel like I open so much my big mouth and sometimes it cause me problems, like lost to my friend:cry:

So I was very near to do it, but the guy I'm ever making him jokes made me talked.

But I tryed the wednesday and I can say that I did it, but sometimes I talked a little, for some GOOD reasons.

Poetry contest

I was the monday, well I thought, because I don't remember very well:lol:, my spanish teacher (My original language is spanish, but in the spanish class we learn about sentences and all those things), so she tell us that is going to be a poetry contest or something like that (and I LOVE the poetry, sometimes I write poems and songs) , so she said: "Raise the hand who wants to participate", I wanted to raise my hand, but I saw nobody else did it and I thought they're going to laught of me, so I decided don't do it, but when someone ask if she's going to give extra points, I said: "this is my oportunity", so she respond yes and I raise my hand, but just one person else raise the hand too:lol: and then my ex boyfriend raise the hand too, then I started to laught because I was nervous:lol:

Note: A long time ago I didn't write a blog, because I was very busy with math, I'm very bad in math, I got a 3.5 in my test (3.5 of 10, here in Mexico we don't use A, B, etc. to grade) and I got A LOT of homeworks, I can't with the maths!!!, it's to hard!!!, I can't do ANY exercise correctly!!! and this week my teacher is watching all the things I do, well, I guess, I feel so:lol:

My First Week Of Classes

I had a hard week and very weird , so I'm going to talk a little about it(I'm going to start with the tuesday, because the monday I didn't have classes):

Tuesday: I was very happy, because I thought I wasn't any more in love with my ex boyfriend, but when I saw him, I discover that I was wrong.

I received a LONG math homework:, but it was a homework for two days, we had to do the half of the paper with the exercises for one day and the other half for the next day, so everyone had a paper, but my ex boyfriend didn't, so he ask for one and he started to laught and he put a smile and just because he started to laught I started to laught too and I put a smile too and then we saw us, I don't know if it was awesome or not.

And I discover that someone heard us when we talked in my excursion, I was in shock!!!, I can't believe someone heard what I said!!!

All the day I saw him, I was trying to resist, but I couldn't!!!, I tryed to see the ridiculous pants of my teacher:lol:, those pants was pretty funny:lol:.

Wednesday: My team of all the school projects removed me from the team in a history project, just somedays before we have to give the project, I felt very bad, because all that happen for a girl on my classroom, I don't know what's her problem, maybe she hates me or maybe she hate have me in her team, but that's totally unfair:evil:, but here comes the worst part, I had to find another team, so the only choice I thought I had was the team of my ex boyfriend!!!, so now I have to do the work with my ex boyfriend, a weird guy and a not normal guy, I'm the only girl of the team, but I'm in the team of my ex boyfriend, I don't know if that's good or bad:?.

When I was talking with team, my ex boyfriend started to do jokes and I started to laught and the both put a big smile and the both saw us (like the tuesday:lol:)

Thursday: I started to think that my ex boyfriend is ignoring me, because I thought he's ever trying to don't see me.

When I was in recess, I found him and to his friend and his friend talk with me (well, we make jokes of each other, but we're always doing it:lol:), but he didn't say anything.

And when we was in gym and the school had already finished, I found him and to the weird guy, the weird guy tell me good bye, but he didn't say anything:evil:.

Friday: I had a math test, it was horrible!!!, I'm sure I'm not going to pass the test.

I ask to the friend of my ex boyfriend (the guy I'm ever making jokes:lol:) if my ex boyfriend is ignoring me and he told me that my ex boyfriend had not say anything about me

In the fisic class my ex boyfriend started to make joke and I started to laught and sometimes he saw me!!!, maybe because he was seeing if I was laughting and then the both put a smile and the both saw us (again!!!:lol:)

I already watch Pest Of The West it was a very good episode I had left myself the accent of the west:lol:, I have to accept that I was waiting a little more from the episode

And I was watching the TV peacefully and then I put Nick and I discover that a new episode was airing!!!, I just watch part of a episode and a complete one:cry:, I hate that channel, because somethimes they don't say that a new episode is going to be aired, I feel so angry and sad:evil::cry:

Pest Of The West

This friday (April 4th) is going to be the premier of Pest Of The West:D (In Mexico:P), I'm so excited, I can't wait:D

The bad side is I'm going to have a math test:cry:, but the episode is going to make me forget that horrible test and the bad note I'm sure I'm going to have:lol:

I'm sure this episode is going to be one of the greatests episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants:D!!!

I feel so happy:D!!!

The End Of My Spring Break

This tuesday I'm going to return to classes:cry:, well I feel okay after this break:D, I feel relaxed:)

Well, the bad side is that SpongeBob lose in the KCA:cry:, but I still thinking is the best show of all the world:D



I Already Forget Him

At the start of the spring break, I was thinking that two weeks is very long, because I was going to miss to my ex boyfriend, because I was still in love with him, so I was thinking in make him feel jealous and I started to feel jealous of Miley Cyrus (yes, the singer:P) that's because he told me along time ago that she's pretty and I started to think all the things she have and I don't:

1.- She's pretty and I'm not the girl all the world is looking for:P:lol:, if you understand me;)

2.- She sing very awesome, I sing like a rat with a trombone blocking his throat:lol:

3.- She have style8) and honestly, I don't (I use the first thing I find in my closet and I don't talk with so many people on my school, because I'm very shy:P)

But then, that same day something awesome happen:D!!!, I fall in love with someone else:D!!!, I'm so in love:D!!! and I feel VERY HAPPY:D, but there's a little problem:(...I think he's in love with someone else:( and I think that girl is in love with him too:(, but I'm not sure:?, they're great friends, but maybe he's shy and that's why he don't tell her, so maybe is an impossible love, but I doesn't care so much:), because I ever say: "It's better feel something than don't feel anything:D" (it's my phrase:P:D)

I feel sorry for my lost friendship:(, because at the beggining all was perfect like just friends:D, but now we never talk:(, that's sad:(, but I'll be okay:), I already forget him (well, I still a LITTLE in love with him:P, but I love more to someone else:D)

I feel so great:D!!!


Weird Things

This week was very weird and a lot of weird things happened to me:

1.- I had a dream about my died grandmother:shock:, it was weird:?, but at the same time it was awesome:D, I was so happy:D

2.- My nephew called me boy:evil:!!!, I was so ANGRY:evil:, I don't use dress so much, but that don't means I'm like a boy:evil::(

3.- I'm get sick:cry:, I can't talk:lol:, I have an infeccion in my neck:cry: and I have flu:cry:, I already spend a lot of handkerchiefs:P and I think that I near to have cough:cry:

4.- My grandfather (my died grandmother's husband) gave me her telephone:D (it's an old telephone), he gave me it because I always was telling to my grandmother how awesome was her telephone (and because my grandfather is always selling all:?, so my mom said that he can't sell it, because it's an invaluable keepsake), I love that telephone:D, but maybe I can't use it:(, I was talking with my parents about if they can conect it, but they tell that they'll think it:?

5.- I'm woried about SpongeBob SquarePants (the show) it's not so good like before and maybe it get cancel soon, I DON'T WANT THAT:cry:, I love that show so much:cry:

6.- I discover that I don't exist for my ex boyfriend:cry:, after he said that we'll be friends, but I decided that my life have to return to be like it was before, without him, so I won't talk with him anymore:?

Tomorrow my brothers will travel with my cousins and they will return in a few days:D, so I will be without them:D (I want to go too:(, but I'm sick:(, I can't go:()

Finally Spring Break!!!

My spring break started this monday:P, I feel very happy:D, because the school is very difficult and I feel very tired:?

Before I was thinking 2 weeks was very much time, because I wanted to see to my ex boyfriend because I was in love with him, well yesterday, because today I'm not sure:?, because yesterday he had the opportunity to talk with me (in the chat), I was waiting him to talk a little, but I get boring and I did it myself, but he didn't respond me:cry:, apparently when he told me that we're going to be friends, he was lying:cry:

But the good side is that my cousins will come:D!!!

One of my greatest excursions

I already return from La Malinche, it was a GREAT excursion, so I'm going to talk a little about it:

I climb a lot!!!, I did it!!!, I climb to the biggest point that the teachers was planning for the excursion:D, I feel very happy for it:D!!!

In the part to down, I fall in some flowers:P, It was funny:lol:

And the most important thing:shock:, the most awesome thing:shock:, the most crazy thing I did is that I talked with my ex boyfriend and I tell him that I still in love with him and I ask him if he fell the same and he respond that a little and that he's not sure and he told me that we should be just friends and I fell okey with that:) and maybe, just maybe that can chage;)

But I discover that some else fall in love with me:shock: and that's VERY bad:?

I'm VERY tired:P!!!, I walked so much:P!!!, I can't walk:P!!! jajaja:lol: