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Videogame of the week: Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz

Hi everyone, having a good week?

Welcome to my new section of Videogame or movie of the week.

Every sunday I'm going to talk you about a diferent videogame or movie, I'm going to give you different types of advices and I'm going to rate it.

This week I'm going to talk you about: Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz - Wii

8)= Perfect

:D= Awesome

:)= Good

:?= I was waiting more

:(= Bad

:evil:= Horrible

:cry:= Awful

Rating: :D

This game have an adventure mode and a party mode.

Adventure mode: If you're a nervous person or a person without patient (like me, because I have the both) maybe for the adventure mode you'll need to calm down (SERIOUSLY!!!), you need to be patient, so just calm down, it's more hard than the other two Super Monkey Ball, because the control is diferent, but it's the same type of game.

Party mode: The party game is AWESOME, if you have friends in you're house you already know what to the party mode!!!, you can have a lot of fun with you're friends, you can be playing this game a lot of hours, it's also fun if you play it alone, but it's better with friends, but it have a bad side: the instructions, it's a little complicated to explain, but the instructions somethings makes you feel confusion and somegames are a little hard.

Advice of the week

If you want to buy a videogame, but you don't have enought money

1.- Just search for places where the games are cheaper, because the aren't new and the people sell it, the games are cheaper and the workers of that place already check if it works, a place like this is game rush (it's of Blockbuster), this place it's perfect, I already buy videogames in that place.

2.- Just use the classic: "Dad, can you buy me this game?", just tell him: "I will pay you soon", but if he say no you can't try with your mom, but if the both say no you have to understand, the money don't grow in the trees.

3.- Get good grades in the school and after they'll see how good are you and then they'll give you a present for all that hard work.

If you need another advice or if you have a suggestion you can tell me in a comment or send me a message, I will listen it and I'll respond it in the next Videogame or movie of the week.

Do you like my new section of Videogame or movie of the week?

Good bye cousins!!! + History proyect + iCarly + May 5th

Good bye cousins!!!

My cousins are returning to Aguascalientes tomorrow:cry:!!!, I'm going to miss to my cousins of 15 years old!!!, I talked about my ex boyfriend with her yesterday and I had a lot of fun with her, but now I'm going to miss her.

History proyect

I was already forget the history proyect, it's for the tuesday and I haven't do anything yet:?!!!


I love iCarly, is very funny, the show is new, it was premiered in april and today I saw a very funny episode that one day I lost because I get sleep, so today I saw it, the only thing I can say about the episode is: "Pee on Carl", that was FUNNY:lol:

May 5th

This monday I don't have classes, because is the aniversary of the Puebla's Battle:D!!!, one of my cousins from Tehuacan is going to be in the parade, so I'm going to see him on TV and they will bring to my brothers.

Having fun with my cousins

Okay, I already woke up and it's just 7:30 a.m in Mexico:lol:

Yesterday, my brothers, my mom and me gone with 2 cousins, (because we don't have classes, we return this tuesday), we has gone to a commercial center and I saw a beautifull t-shirt, but my mom don't wanted to buy it:(, but she bought another beautiful t-shirt:D.

After that we gone to eat pizza in Pizza Hut with my 2 cousins and another 2 cousins, 2+2=4:lol: (2 cousins are from Tehuacan, Puebla and the other 2 are from Aguascalientes, Mexico, so the 4 live in Mexico)

Then my cousins from Tehuacan had to leave Puebla (when I say Puebla, I'm talking about the state, because I live in Puebla, Puebla and they live in Tehuacan, Puebla), but my brothers had gone with them (YEAH:D!!!), they going to return this sunday.

So I stayed here with my other 2 cousins, I gone to the movie theater with one of them, because one of them is little, she have 9 years old, (she put me mad everytime she comes), she acts like a girl of 6 years and my other cousin have 15 years old, so we gone to see a love movie, well it was funny too, I was so near to cry, because the movie was so romantic:oops:.

And then we had come to my house and we see a scary movie, I don't know the name of the movie, but it's about a hospital for kids, the movie was pretty good, but I was so scared that had to sleep with the light on:lol:.

Today, I woke up early because I'm going to see another romantic/comedy movie:P with my cousin at 11:00 a.m, so I have to be ready:P.

That's all in Karina's news, your favorite program:lol:.

Kids day

Yesterday was the kids day and I have to say it, the "party" of my school was pretty BORING:(, so I'm going to resume my day:

I woke up earlier than usually, because I want to change the style of my hair, so I was very tired all the day.

I got a new history team proyect, my friend and me are the team:?!!!, because one girl of my team doesn't wants to work with me, because she said I never do anything:evil:!!! and that's a lie:evil:!!!

My friends doesn't enter in the rally, because two girls decided to leave the team:lol:, honestly my friends deserve it for don't included me:P:lol:

Then a friend was searching for another integrant for her soccer team (in that "party" was something like a little championship) so she asked me if wanna be in her team, I accept:), but some girls of team doesn't wanted to played:(, because we was the only girl's team:(!!!

I was very boring with my friends I usually spend time:?, so another friend and me went to saw a movie:), we started to say jokes of the movie:lol:, it was pretty funny:lol:, just some little kids go to see that movie:lol:, I like that movie, but not so much like lost all that special day seeing it:?

Then, we go to a karaoke, but we get very boring and then we leaved:lol:

After that I find to my ex boyfriend and I prettend I don't see him:?, now I feel very bad for that:cry:

And when we was walking I find to my friend who I'm ever making jokes and he was very angry with me:cry:!!! and here is the resume story:

Some months ago I go to his classroom for ask him something about my ex boyfriend, but all the boys of his classroom started to say: "She is your girlfriend!!!" and all those things, I really was angry that day, I don't said anything just because I'm a good person, but I want to break the teeth of all those boys:evil::twisted:!!!

So everyone still saying the same thing all the time and he's VERY ANGRY, I already lost to the most awesome friend I've ever have:cry: (my ex boyfriend) he was so awesome:cry:, we was ever talking, we had an AWESOME friendship, but now he hates me and he don't talk me:cry:, I don't want to lose to another friend (well, he's something like a friend) and ALL this things happened for the same reason: MY BIG MOUTH:evil:!!!, I have to learn to close my big mouth:cry::evil:!!!

But the good side of this day is that finally I see to my cousins:D but they going to leave Puebla this afternoon:(, but another cousins are going to leave Puebla the next week:) so, it's not so bad.

I had a lot of fun with them, because I saw them in the night:D, well some cousins comes here to spend the night:D, that's very cool8), finally all the cousins together:D!!!

And today is the "work day", so I don't have school:D!!!

Tomorrow is a very special day!!!

April 30th is a very special day because is the "Kids day"!!! I don't know if all the contries celebrate it, but here Mexico we do it:D. It's a special day dedicated to all the kids. We're going to have a "party" in my school, but the teacher don't call it "Kids day", they call it "Students day", because we're not kids anymore, but I'm always going to be a kid in my heart:). ALL my friends are going to participate in a "rally" for have fun in this special day and they put me out of the team (again):cry:. Well, I think is going to be a fun party:D!!!

I saw the death with my own eyes!!!

It was so horrible!!!

I was eating today and I ate meat, so I get deseperate because I was spending a lot of time chewing, so accidently I swallow all the piece and I was drowning, I was deseperate, I started to think: "Oh my God!!!, I'm going to die, I'm going to die", I tryed to swallow all the piece, I feel so horrible, because I couldn't breathe, then finally I swallow all the piece and I think: "I survive, I don't die!!!" and nobody know it!!!, because I didn't had the breathe to shout: "help me!!!, I'm drowning with a stupid piece of meat!!!"

Nobody deserve something like that, even my worst enemy.

I mean, I was so near to die!!!

Maybe it's time to say goodbye

I don't want to scare you, but I'm afraid that maybe is time to leave, maybe you're asking to yourself why, so there comes the story:

The last sunday my brothers and me visited to my cousins to the house of their grandfather, but he's not my grandfather (they're from Aguascalientes, Mexico, they comes to Puebla, because they have a break, because in Aguascalientes they have La Feria de San Marcos, is the most famous festival of Mexico and they received a break of 2 weeks), so my 2 brothers and me was talking with one of my cousins (she have 15 years old, so she sometimes talk about boyfriends, love and all those things) so then she ask to the three if we have boyfriend/girlfriend, the three said no, but suddenly my biggest brother said: "But Karina, had one, I know it because I saw she writed something about it in a web site", I was surprised.

I feel I lost my privacity.

And the other reason is this one:

My biggest brother hates to the people from the United States, he's ever calling them "gringos", I don't hate to the people from the United States, well sometimes I feel offend when somepeople hates to the mexican, but I think that they're good people, well, honestly I hate Bush, but just to him.

So he's ever telling me: "Why you're ever talking with your friends the gringos", I hate when he say that and he's ever saying that I don't have a live, because I never talk about all the things that I write in my blog with my brothers or parents.

So maybe it's time to leave, I'm not sure if I'm going to leave or not

Math Test

My math teacher already gived us the results of our test, I got a 3/10!!!, it's horrible. Something very funny happened when he give us the exam to check the mistakes, so I don't know why, but when I received my test with that big and horrible 3 I started to laught!!!, I saw to my friend of the classroom and then I puted my head down and I continue laughting then I heard that everyone started laughting, then I puted my head up and I discovered that my math teacher was watching me laught!!!, it was funny!!!, then he started to told me that is weird that when you have a 3 you start to laught and he told more things and everytime when he gived a test with a bad note he started to say: "You can laught, you got a bad note", I laughted a lot!!! Now all my classmates think that I don't care my notes, of course I care!!!, I really care!!!, I don't laughted because I got a 3, I don't know why I laughted, probably because when I'm nervous I start to laught like a crazy.

A lot of math and english can't get in my head

Tomorrow my math theacher will give us the results of our test, probably I will have 3/10 or something like that, it's my end and probably he will tell me: "I always have reason", but I just will have that score because I don't answer all the test, because I spend a lot of time in an excersice, I feel like a fool. I'm good in english, but not enought, I ever got a 8 in that class, all because I never study for the tests and I never put attention, but I want to be better, I'm very bad with the verbs and tomorrow I have the most important english test.

This is my last blog...

Yes, this is my last blog...about my ex boyfriend, well, I hope so, but this time is not for say how much I miss him, this time I'm going to tell you how angry I feel about it and why, so there's comes the story:

Yesterday my friend Karen and me were in music class (the only thing we do is sing), so then I said: "Let's put a nickname to my ex boyfriend", we started to see all the things in the classroom, and we started to say: "Chair, piano, board, etc." and well, I have a backpack of SpongeBob and then I said: "What about SpongeBob?" and Karen said: "Yes!!!", but now SpongeBob (the real one, no my ex boyfriend) I have something very important to tell you where ever you are:

I so sorry for insult you of that way!!!, I really feel bad about it, how I can compare you with that BIG FOOL!!!

So...I sorry SpongeBob

Maybe you're asking to yourself and It's a long story so I'm going to resume it:

Today I talk with his friend (the guy I ever making jokes) and I wanted to ask him how many girlfriends my ex boyfriend had before me, because, I started to feel like the 29th (yes, I know, but it's just a way to say that I feel that I'm not the first one), but he tought that I was going to ask if he will come back with me!!!, and he told me: "I already talk with him about it and he won't back with you", I don't make the other question that I really wanted to make, because I felt very bad and I told him: "Forgett it", but WOW I felt VERY SAD, but after think for a while (45 minutes, because I don't putted attention in class) and you know what?, I don't care anymore.

Because the worst part is not that, the worst part is that I don't wanted to return with him!!!, I just tryied to be his friend, like we was before, because we was VERY GOOD FRIENDS, but now he's ignoring me, just because he thinks that I want to return with him, I'm not so desesperate!!!, if he want we can be very good friends like before or if he want I can hate him and ignore him, because that STUPID game can be playing for two person.


Today I was with my friend of my classroom in gym class and then she told me: "Have you seen that your ex boyfriend looks like a criminal?, specially with that haircut" (because, he cutted his hair) and I started to laughted so much!!! and then I said: "Maybe he's plaining to assault a bank" and then she said: "And he looks like a kidnapper too" I laught so much, because it's true.

I fall in love with the other guy I meet, not with this one, I have to say it...he's acting like the BIGGEST IDIOT I've ever meet.

But, I don't want to return with him, even if he change, I just want to be friend of the other sweet and awesome guy I meet and find to someone else, but I'm not hurry, I can wait more time.

I never going to tell him that I put him a nickname, but I'm going to use this nickname with my friends and probably his nickname is going to be..."The Banks Assaulter".

But honestly I don't know if I still in love with him!!!