@Axile11 thats your opinion and you and I are entitled to agree, however my buddy dana is a huge fps fan and thinks halo 4 is a masterpiece. I think Hitman Absolution was a 10/10 and he thought it was slow and boring, see how opinion works.
@Gojomez whats so bad about call of duty? I have friends that love that game, I don't personally but I am hugely addicted to World of Tanks even though according to IGN it gets boring fast which I disagree with since I been playing it for about 8 months.
@mattman909 @stan_boyd no it wasn't it was released on both ps3 and xbox at same time, I bought it the day after the review for 360 because thats my most used system, not saying ps3 sucks but I also use my xbox for other things like netflix and such since my credit card info is already saved on there because of my xbox live account.
@NTM23 @IAMTYLERDURDEN I hateed RE6 worst 60 bucks I spent it was just another generic 3rd person shooter imo but like everyone else my opinion is different from others, to me Bad Religion is the greatest band ever, the color orange is better and any other and the best food is pancakes covered in maple syrup. Opinion is not fact and a review is an opinion as much of what you can review can only be opinion. Fact the game works, opinion its fun. While many call fifa a fun game I think it blows chunks, while many think halo is awesome I think it blows chunks, while many thing world of tanks is boring I think its a masterpiece etc etc.
@Vatusus who cares about system wars, all 3 of the current gen are awesome in their own ways, I love Halo and Gears of War and I also love Uncharted and Metal Gear as well as I have a blast with Mario Kart and Wii Sports
@Mega_Loser @001011000101101 maybe their bodies do, but it seems their maturity for the average gamer does not. They still flip out when someone has a difference of opinion. I remember when Too Human came out and kevin gave it like a 6.0 or something like that and I was like WTF cause at the time I thought it was one of the best games ever. Now I realize everyone likes different things.
@MonkerzX yeah but its all in the opinion of the gamer, personally being a fan of stealth games and seeing guards walk past their dead buddies without noticing is a major flaw to me since I have gotten used to smarter ai since the original deus ex in 2000, its now 13 years later and for some reason the ai is dumber than it was 13 years ago.
stan_boyd's comments