@Egotte @NTM23 sorry gotta disagree my fellow canadian, while I didn't like infinite as much as bioshock 1 or 2, it was still a pretty good game, I gotta say Bioshock was an 8-8.5 while infinite was about a 7
I guess a PERFECT 10/10 mean its okay to have shitty half asses stealth mechanics like guards not noticing dead bodies like they do in almost every other stealth game made in the last 12 freakin years.
@giort08 @psuedospike to me, as a stealth fan I do not see his gripes on guards not seeing dead bodies as minor to me thats a big deal as hitman has had guards seeing dead bodies since the first game as has thief and splinter cell and deus ex etc etc
@jonnybutler11 he does get what makes a game special but his and mine and your opinions are different, to me hitman absolution is perfect 10 to him mario galaxy 2 was perfect to you this game is perfect, we all have different views.
@ovoke @giort08 I disagree, I think uncharted was awesome it was like a better version of tomb raider where this seems like resident evil with better melee and half asses stealth aspects.
stan_boyd's comments