@delaneyphil why is it better? because he just completely ignores the flaws, like the dumb ai who don't even notice their dead comrades bodies when they are standing right on top of it? Or how about when you are hiding behind a box and your companions stand in the open right beside you and the enemy doesn't see them? is that why his review is better because he just ignores the bad and only says the good?
After playing hitman absolution, the stealth mechanics in this game are a joke, Guard walks past dead guard and doesn't even notice, even games from 12 years ago had guards who noticed dead guards, good job internet for getting mad that a non perfect game didn't get a perfect score from a real reviewer.
@Egotte @stan_boyd maybe I am just being overly critical of the stealth part of the game because I am currently playing through hitman absolution and the stealth in that game is almost damn perfect.
@Egotte @stan_boyd maybe, not sure to be honest all I know is that guards have been noticing bodies for many years yet for some reason they don't in this supposed perfect game
@bonespur88 @stan_boyd yeah I noticed russian hockey isn't as good as it used to be, I remember back when guys like Bure and Federov were some of the best players around
stan_boyd's comments