@StarKiller2127 don't tell that to my buddy dana he can tell you every minor difference between each game. I personally don't see it but I am not a fan of that type of game. But i can tell you every minor change they make to world of tanks with each update whereas he cannot.
@botswanky I agree, as a stealth fan I see big problems on stealth ai, espeecially with guards not seeing dead bodies or not seeing your companions when you are hidden and they are not. Hitman Absolution redifined stealth in my opinioon but thats just me and some other stealth fans.
@The_Last_Ride @devak108 being a big fan of stealth action I gotta agree with his statements about gaurds not noticing dead bodies or your teamates standing in the open and not being seen. I have been a big fan of stealth games since Skooldaze on Commodore 64 which had better stealth AI than this game. Not saying this is a bad game, just that the stealth mechanics look terrible if guards don't even notice dead bodies on the ground.
@delaneyphil @immortaltech6 I own a ps3/xbox360 and wii, yes I play my xbox more but thats because I like its exclusives more like splinter cell over metal gear, although I am a big naughty dog fan in the fact that I prefer uncharted over any tomb raider game ever made. But some games such as any bethesda game is bethesda game or rocktstar is usually better on xbox because it doesn't have split ram like ps3 does. But ps3 has better multiplayer because of the way they split the ram, battlefield for example or mag. also ps3 my favorite game of all time Demon Souls which I like more than dark souls. but this game based on the demo and review is not perfect, especially when it comes to stealth which is a big part of the game. Hitman, Splinter Cell and Deus Ex all had better AI when it came to stealth.
@leyendax69 I LOVE gta 4 don't know why so many people hated it, its one of my top 10 games and I have been gaming since commodore 64 pardon my typing but I had some dirnks after work
@butternut86 @bansheespartan @shadowhunter0 hes not an idiot he just has different tastes than some people, I loved Too Human and kevin van ord gave it 6.0 or something lower like that when I would give it an 8.0 as its one of my fave games to date. Everyone likes different things, some guys like blondes some like asians I like gingers its just human nature. If i want an opinion on a platformer then I can't think of anyone better than tom to ask since he is a huge fan of platformer games and not so much violent action games.
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