@baltim123 @ParisSun @ng_chun_kai When you buy a copy of a video game, according to the company, you don't actually own the copy of the game you paid money for. You own a "license" to play it, which is very specific what that you can or cannot do with the game. Most, if not all, of the time, these licenses say that the license is non-transferable, which means that I couldn't give it away to my friend or sell it. Please note, I mean that I would no longer own the copy of the game, since I gave it away or sold it. However, doing that would be in violation of the license agreement. Which, going back to the car analogy, would be like Ford telling me I couldn't give away or sell the Mustang I bought from them.
@baltim123 Did you even read the first part of my first comment on here? What those "gamers" did was wrong. No one should be threatened like that because of their opinion. But then the writer of this article went said that we, as purchasers of games do not own the copy of the game we brought and paid for. Let's go back to the car example. If I say, copied Ford's designs for the latest Mustang and tried to produce it, that would be wrong. However, if I wanted to sell the Mustang that I bought and paid for, as a used car, that does not entitle Ford to a cut of the profits. Why? Because it's MY Mustang that I bought and paid for. It should be the same for games. The whole idea that we do not own the copies of the games that we buy is wrong. Once I buy a game, I should be able to do pretty much anything I want with it, as long as it's not pirating or plagiarizing it, which would be illegal.
@baltim123 You sir, or madam, missed my point. A car, like a video game, is a collaborative work, even though these days robots do much of it, produced by a company. However, as I said, when I buy a car I own it, a video game should not be any different. That it is any different is a scam.
This should not happen, period. No one should be treated like that for voicing their opinion. That said, when I buy a car, I own the car. Why should a video game be any different? There is no reason for it to be!
starduke's comments