@killercondoms: Plus we would have to put up with all them little teenagers swearing and moaning when they lose,which is one of the reasons i got rid of my old xbox a few years back,but it did make me appreciate my PS3 much more,yes i had both consoles back then but never again,i'd love to see cross platform gaming though as some family members have the Xbox 1 but most have the PS4 like me,then we could all game together which would be mental. ;-)
@fig56: Yes of course you did and you had forgotten you had read it so you came back to read it again didn't you,why don't i believe you,i know why because you are telling porky pies little girl.
You made your comment to me trying to be cleaver about an hour or so ago and made your self look foolish,but that's ok because we understand what little children are like,if you look you can clearly see i was first here eight hours ago,but you go ahead and carry on lying because mummy will stop that pocket money and then where will you be,i known crying because you got caught out in a lie yet again,smh.
Now go away little girl as i am now done with your lies.
@startazz: That We'll update this post later today when the full video premieres,was added after i made my first comment because it was NOT there before TROLLS.
@fig56: If you had watched it when i did and read all the article you would of known what i meant,but as you only just came here 1 hour ago after they updated it then you wouldn't of made a fool of your self with that STUPID comment.
Just give us some positive news on RD Redemption or least put us out of our misery Rockstar,i can't be the only one who's sick of hearing RS will give us news on new games soon. :-(
@deviltaz35: It just goes to show what we use to put up with back in the day or are we spoilt now? no of course we aren't spoilt because tech has moved on loads in the past few years,but like you say back then this game was good for it's time.
@R4gn4r0k: Yep got my code at 7.20am this morning mate,of course i'm well
pleased,not only that i'm chuffed you got one too,as i said in my first comment
mines for console (PS4),happy days bruv. ;-)
Inside my email ( If you reach rank 15 and play on a least four different days, you will unlock a Battlefield 1 Beta Dog Tag** when the game launches on October 21.) i guess that's something to aim for chaps,now where did i leave Manfred Von Richtofen ( the Red Baron ) Fokker Dr1 Dreidecker (triplane),because i'm going to need that again to knock some more of you ole chaps out of the sky,Happy Gaming R4gn4r0k and other gamers. ;-)
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