@LucentWolf Why not they are no different that what Rockstar is about their game as well as most of us I might add,from what I have seen of this game it looks good as does GTA5.
At least the boys and girls at GS seem to be giving us a more real unbiased review these days which has to be a good thing right,at least this way we can all make up our own minds and decide if we want the game or not.
Take into account they were playing an alpha /sample of the game so there will no doubt be a lot of finishing off to the game and things they were not happy with will no doubt be fix,so after all that i'll still be giving this one a try when it comes out as i like what i've seen so far.
Old school is never a bad thing in my book when it comes to classics games like this one. :-)
@OurSin-360 Yeah I sort of agree and maybe they were hoping for a lot more sales = money and so felt let down I guess,but as you say it still did better than all the other TR games,so why wouldn't they be happy about that right.
@DesertEaglex24 I felt the same way when I first started to play the game but once I got into it I could then see why it was so damn good,as it got better and better as you progressed through the game,not a lot of games can still do that today i'm sorry to say but this one did. :-)
@andres_ak47 Yeah i had to laugh at the minions towards the end saying come here! in there cockney/London accent LOL,still i can get past the poor voice overs once i get into a game.
@gokulgamer By the looks of the game play and what i have seen so far,i'd have to say yes get it as i will but mine will be a rental,can't see the point of buying to many games now that most of us are waiting for the PS4 to come out,not sure about the rest of you but after buying my PS3 my poor old PS2 just got dusty sitting on the shelf,no doubt the PS3 could end up the same way,who knows but we will see how good the PS4 will be even though i have high hopes for it,again i say yes get it. ;-)
@canoninja Plus he knew if he went on to say what he did about GTA that it would give him even more publicity for his game,not that i'm saying he needs it but he could be reaching out the GTA crowd,hoping they might give his game ago as it is also open world now. ;-)
@Tsiawddood The PS3 only updates in the back ground if you want it too,we get the option/choice to have it update or not and yes I am a PS+ member, the PS3 only connects to the internet once it's turned on if you set it up to do that,once again we get the choose to set it up like that if we so wish,so no the PS3 does not connect to the internet automatically.
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