I want the game but i'd rather see game play any day,i don't like it when you see trailers like this as it make some people think the game might not be up to much,the ending was the only bit worth watching for me,just my two pennies worth. ;-) 2013 ;-(
So some how he is giving us smellovision in this game then @ 5.15 ish. lol,yeah i know he was just getting excited,he waffle on a bit plus it sounds like Nintendo might of looked after him some how,we will see i guess.
I want this game but not because of anything he has said as i find him to boring,sorry.
Glad my school years are well and truly over and now that that i'm a grandad i get even more time to play on my two consoles (360 & PS3) see even this old gezza can game and not to bad i might add LOL.
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