Yeah I was thinking the same at first then read it again and again then I got where he was coming from as far as AC goes,just that he worded it wrong I guess,no doubt it made sense to him. :-)
Top video and the best laugh i've had today so far,as far as MP games go i don't mind them when they work well,but i hate the ones were some game makers just chuck in MP to sell the game and it turns out to be a right load of rubbish,as in the case of ACM enough said on that game.
Not sure if she said how long they might of been working on this one but i hope it's been a few years,if not it could be a bit of a rush job to be as good as the other Batman in this series. :-(
Speak for your self Worm,as i've just about had it with every game trying to squeeze in a MP mode,when they should of been concentrating on the single player game,too many games these days just put a MP mode in to try and boast sales and in some cases it really doesn't work.
I know they said he has gadgets in this game but i really do miss all the gadgets we use to get with the older bond games,like back in the day on the PS2,i doubt he will have any where near as many as he use to,one of my favs was the grappling hook plus others of course.
This won't be a day one buy for me but maybe a rental we will see.
@Biggs613 @deltabtry @Gonefishing95 Money penny was M's secretary in most of the bond movies and i don't think thats who Gonefishing95 was talking about. ;-)
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