No it's a racial suprremacy group. So it doesn't surprise me that the regressive left supports it. So when the founder tweeted that it's open season on white people, nobody cared.
Still_Vicious' forum posts
@N30F3N1X: have you ever seen a feminist actually debate? I haven't, they just do their best to suppress free speech.
When the playing field is equal, good ideas win, that's why feminists and sjw seek to make the playing field unbalanced.
@HoolaHoopMan: maybe they just oppose the suppression of free speech. PC mascurades equality but instead just muffles any truths it doesn't like.
For number 3, even now they dodge there already rock bottom taxes like fucking crazy, and STILL want to leave the country because "taxes are too high" fucking bullshit if I ever heard it.
It will only get worse.
Based on what I've heard though, Bernie will lower a companies taxes if they keep jobs in the states.
That's a believe it when I see it type thing.
What, a major corporation paying taxes?
a socialist dropping taxes.
@still_vicious: that's probably because there is a lot more to college than just getting admitted.
Like working hard?
@Johnny-n-Roger: That actually sounds like a damn good example of freedom of speech/right to assembly. When your cause is "just", the laws should work as they're written; and in this case, they did! People protested, and the fascists and jerks stopped their event.
I imagine when, deep down in your heart, you know what you are doing is wrong, people yelling at you is all it takes for you to do the right thing.
This technique would work for conservatives, too, if the people that protest on their behalf didn't punch folks or belong to the KKK.
The problem is that "hate speech" is subjective, and SJW's find anything they disagree with to be hateful. When I say "conservatives" you automatically throw out the fascist and KKK cards. I expect no less.
The paradox in the example I provided is that by shutting down an event in protest is actually infringing upon others right to assembly. You're first amendment right takes precedence over someone else's because your opinion is that what they're saying is "hate speech"?
Not at all; and they shut down because they gave in, surrendered, not because they had to (unless I am missing something here, i.e. the police arrested them).
People spoke, of one point of view.
Other People listened, of an opposing view, and decided against a course of action.
As for automatically throwing out things: of course I do! We are known by the company we keep. So if I have to be known [partially] because of the Gun-Hating-No-First-Place-Trophy-We-All-Get-Trophies-Even-The-Loser crybabies company that goes with my party, well, you get to be known by your misfits.
I mean yeah it pisses me off that my kids can't take cupcakes to school for their birthday like I did, or they have to give out Valentine's Day cards to everyone so no one get's their feelings hurt, or that getting into a fight is, for some reason, something a 10 year old get's put in handcuffs for; I support a conservatives right to yell at me for that, and I might even back down if the event I want to hold is about that I'm going to do the same except for conservatives.
Shapiro Protests
Segregation is now a civil right?
Milo's OPINIONS Make Others Feel Unsafe
Freedom of Speech should not trump Freedom of Religion.....but who decides? Are SJW's like Judge Dredd?
It's easy to side with a "minority", but in all of these cases if you would reverse the roles, you'd be violating civil rights laws.
I've never understood how people who get into college easier and for less money can complain about lack of access to education.
Sounds purely like laziness to me.
@still_vicious: That's a pretty serious shift in political beliefs; you really that upset by the SJWs and PC Police that Trump and Cruz look acceptable?
Sounds like you've been on the fence for a while if that's the case.
As for feminists and banning clapping, well, that was some feminists. Not all feminists.
No, Trump has a lot of problems and Cruz is a Christian nut on top of being an idiot.
Still I would pick them over the other two....I've been on the fence on a few issues, but the most important subject to me has always been scientific advancement in this country. With the Right's "anti-evolution/global warming' rhetoric, it was an easy choice, but now I'm seeing the left attack science as well, possibly much more so with their "healthy at any weight, men and women are the same, all races are the same, and ect." or just blatently ignoring scientifically produced data, like statistics on Muslims in this country calling for sharia law or violence against non-Muslims, but all that just gets swept under the rug.
When the left is worst than the right on that issue, why would I side with them?
This sounds like the no Scotsman logical fallacy. There is a noticeable trend among feminists regarding censorship and suppression of data.
There is a reason for that all races are the same bit...
Scientific Racism is generally considered to be pseudoscience, and that is why it was discredited. Because it failed to meet scientific standards, not some left wing conspiracy.
While there is some genetic variation, and some people of different ancestries (races if you will), are more likely to fare better against various diseases. Trying to pin one race as superior to another, is far to prone to fall under confirmation biases and not meet the scientific criteria.
I also dont think you understand what the No True Scotsman fallacy is. What he is saying is that not all feminists do were for the banning of clapping. NOT that those who are trying to ban clapping arent feminists. There is a huge difference between no true scotsman and what he said.
Edit: That said, I do find that denying the difference of men and women to be silly. Some woman was offended because I said men due to certain growth spurts during puberty are naturally stronger than women. While also stating that an athletic woman will be stronger than a non-athletic man.
There's actually quite a bit of data to suggest that there are deep rooted genetic differences. Look up "adoption intelligence study" or studies on Diabetes and genetic resistance to it.
Step 1: college kids can't get work after school and angerly vote for socialist.
Step 2: Raises taxes on rich.
Step 3: Rich leave country/cut jobs/reduce hiring/ect.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit
For number 3, even now they dodge there already rock bottom taxes like fucking crazy, and STILL want to leave the country because "taxes are too high" fucking bullshit if I ever heard it.
It will only get worse.
Based on what I've heard though, Bernie will lower a companies taxes if they keep jobs in the states.
That's a believe it when I see it type thing.
Step 1: college kids can't get work after school and angerly vote for socialist.
Step 2: Raises taxes on rich.
Step 3: Rich leave country/cut jobs/reduce hiring/ect.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit
For number 3, even now they dodge there already rock bottom taxes like fucking crazy, and STILL want to leave the country because "taxes are too high" fucking bullshit if I ever heard it.
It will only get worse.
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