Still_Vicious' forum posts

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#2 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@Johnny-n-Roger said:
@sayyy-gaa said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:

And it's easy to say and exculpate ones self. I do not disagree, but I don't advocate something needing to be "fixed" without having even a theoretical solution in mind.

How do you really determine how and what these advantages/disadvantages are in regards to ethnicity? There are also socioeconomic factors to take into consideration, choices people make while knowing the consequences, and cultural issues that stem from single-parent upbringing.

Also, you would have to develop some hierarchy of which ethnic groups are more disadvantaged. There are so many variables and regulatory factors that it isn't even practical.

If you're going to pass legislation that racially favors minorities in terms of job placement, income tax rates, property tax rates, loan interest rates, etc, you're essentially creating a system that is economically disadvantageous whites. Is there not distinct concern at that point that whites would over time claim that their economic conditions are unfavorable and need to be "fixed".

The bottom line is that you really can't solve cultural problems without creating new ones. You can't legislate your way to a prejudice-free society. It takes time, and there are a lot of struggling white individuals and families that really don't care to be told of their "illicit white privilege". By continuously pressing issues of racial disparity and thinking that you're going to improve current conditions is the same logic that leaves politicians who oppose the 2nd amendment wondering why AR-15 sales skyrocket every time they speak on the issue.

Creating a system that is economically disadvantageous to whites? Distinct concerns that whites would over time claim their economic conditions are unfavorable?

You are aware this nation was built and created with incalculable advantages for white people...seeing as they were the only citizens for the country. That advantage has grown up until about 50 years ago. So for the past 240 there have been favorable economic conditions for white people. So it would take what-300 years for the pendulum to even begin to swing to disadvantageous?

Most of your statements make sense...but don't hypothesize about disadvantageous whites IN THE U.S.A. That will never happen.

This is providing that it would be unreasonable to create race-based economic inequality to reconcile past race-based economic inequalities. This is because it isn't justified to create unfavorable economic conditions for anyone because of their race. When you start practicing justice through further injustice, you encounter the same problems. This is where you would risk whites making a claim that their economic conditions are unfavorable and need to be justified by redistribution. It's an "endless cycle of redistribution" paradigm.

The problem with your "pendulum" argument is that while you're able to frame a period of time,you'll have a hard time finding specific evidence in regard to exactly who these white beneficiaries were and from whom the labor was stolen. It gets especially tricky when you account for the Southern slave owning black Americans that would possibly position some descending black Americans to be considered of economic advantage over other black Americans thus creating cultural disparity.

For not being able to properly identify exactly which whites were, and to what degree, the beneficiaries of a race-based economic advantage and/or theft of labor it would be impossible to apportion any form of redistribution in a truly "justified" manor without taking every case to trial to court on an individual basis. Did these individuals steal labor from African slaves? Were their ancestors abolitionists, or civil rights activists that would qualify them for a deduction?

So yes, whites basically stole labor and oppressed minorities for years but to apply any sort of modern justice in regards to race-based wealth redistribution would simply be impractical. So I have to legitimately ask, if there is truly no justifiable solution to atone for past economic disadvantages and thefts of labor, at what point would a white man ever be exculpated from the white "privileged" class? Is there a reasonable frame of time or anything that can be done to transcend this alleged disparity?

it was only about 1% of the population that actually owned slaves; the extremely wealthy, not sure why all white people get a rap for that. Guess racists are going to lie to further their cause. Guess where 4% of the population lives in slavery today? Africa.


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#3  Edited By Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@Warlord_Irochi said:

If we talk about being egalitarian and against racism (all fine there), using a specific skin color as flagship is a mistake and points in the opposite direction.

In fact, it's happening already. For some people in some circles it seems that for being a White cisgender male I have less rights to talk about minorities and integration. I'm a immigrant; I'm living in foreigner country; I know about integration... but that doesn't matter, because I'm white.

Now what sense does that make?

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#4 Still_Vicious
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@hillelslovak said:
@still_vicious said:

This makes me think of one of the most brilliant things I've heard about marijuana; "while it may not be inherently harmful, it's just a waste of time that could be used to learn a new skill or hobby".

That's where being a loser comes in. As simple as it seems, people simply become losers because they waste time and money getting high that could be used productively. Money spent on pot and time spent on getting high could be used to study, or money spent on classes.

Life is far more than a maximizing of productivity. I am not at all shunning hobbies and skills (kind of like railing against eating vegetables), but look at your day to day life. How many of the things you do everyday contribute to nothing but your happiness, with nothing to offer in terms of productivity?

How many people's lives completely revolve around getting high?

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#5 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@JimB said:
@mrbojangles25 said:

I think people overestimate BLM.

@Nuck81: no kidding. People forget just how short ago it was pretty much illegal to be black in America. If I were black, my parents would have stories of being sprayed with hoses. My would grandma would have stories of her friends getting lynched while the cops watched. I'd grow up knowing how people, alive and close people, were treated in the not-so-distant years.

Sometimes I wonder why they don't all hate us.

The fight for Civil Rights is not history. Not yet. The laws might have changed, but society and culture still has not. Another generation or two need to die off before we can go "OK, now can we all be cool?" and the SJWs and racists and perpetuators of stereotypes and racism will be gone

I have to disagree with you It doesn't matter how many generations pass unless the black community quits taking hand outs from the government and establishes families with a mother and a father again. It was the Great Society Program of the 1960's that did the most damage to the black community. Until this changes they will be doomed generation after generation.

They never will.

I never hear this addressed, and when I mention it, people always get mad.

Because of this, blacks will never come to be equal to whites, and while Asians are already at the same tier, I fully expect Mexicans to reach it or at least get relatively close because they put so much emphasis at family. Sadly, nothing will ever change if people can't look inward at problems they have, but instead it easier to just blame the police.

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#6 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@Johnny-n-Roger said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
@DJ_Headshot said:

I don't know about you guys but personally I'd rather he a high loser then a sober loser.

so much win here! Truer words never spoken.

Funny thing is that the term loser is often not seen as being derogatory. The person using the term "loser", however is seen as a bully. And we all know bullies are bullies because they're miserable and can't stand someone not being as miserable as they are. Maybe a marijuana consuming nation is better than a finite resource consuming nation. Just a thought.

The opposite is true. Bullies are happier and more successful.

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#7 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

This makes me think of one of the most brilliant things I've heard about marijuana; "while it may not be inherently harmful, it's just a waste of time that could be used to learn a new skill or hobby".

That's where being a loser comes in. As simple as it seems, people simply become losers because they waste time and money getting high that could be used productively. Money spent on pot and time spent on getting high could be used to study, or money spent on classes.

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#8 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

New studies:

Sky Blue!

Water Wet!

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#9 Still_Vicious
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@magicalclick: it's easier to complain than learn new skills.

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#10 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@CommandoAgent: I would rather there not be an uptick in rape and terrorist attacks in the US.