Still_Vicious' forum posts

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#1 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@mark1974 said:

@still_vicious: people do care in mass though. It's a small minority comiting these murders. It's not easy to solve. Good jobs for the black community is what's needed. To much crime keeps businesses out. It's a vicious cycle. We probably shouldn't have "black" communities. We need integration but I don't know a good way to achieve it.

It's pretty easy not to have kids out of wedlock, yet the majority do.

It's pretty easy to not commit a crime, or to speak out against the anti-intellectual culture, or to speak out against black crime.

I see none of this. I see complaining about cops, a minor issue by comparison. Let's be honest, the number of people that focus on these real issues is insignificant compared to people who focus on minor issues. BLM is proof of this. Their message isn't "educate yourselves and work black people to compete in the job market" or "stop ditching your kids, you're creating a vicious cycle", it's that socio-economic issues are the result of racism and cops.

Harsh truths.

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#2 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@mark1974 said:
@still_vicious said:
@mark1974 said:

I hate to but in here but it is a movement based on holding police accountable for their actions against black people. That is a fact. You can add other crap from what random blm people have said here or there to the movement if you feel the need but that doesn't change the fact It is a movement based on holding police accountable for their actions against black people. It seemed to them that black lives where not considered important to police and they were shooting first and figuring out the rest later. I don't care whether you believe that was actually the case or not but it is the reason the group was founded. Do we really have to argue even that?

It's a misdirection on what actual problems the black community face.

Black Gun deaths by police: 2.5%

By other blacks 90%

But let's focus on the 2.5%, even though almost all of those deaths are justified.

It's very obvious that the focus is being misdirected from actual issues.

Did you watch the self destruction video I posted? Black people are very concerned about black on black crime. That shouldn't stop them from also being concerned about racism in policing which has been proven to be true. And not all police have this problem so lets not go all crazy with absolutes. There are enough incidences that it's worth making an issue of. You are always going to find an example to prove any point you want to make but you need to see the larger picture.

I feel like if people cared in mass and tried to do something. Things would change, but they don't.

I din't use examples, I used statistics, statistics are the larger picture.

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#3 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@Gaming-Planet said:
@still_vicious said:
@CommandoAgent said:
@still_vicious said:

BLM is a supremacy group.

Yup and they share the values of black people. This groups defended a potential nutcase who was wielding a hammer i say the police were justified to kill.

Or Michael brown.

Goes for an officers gun after assaulting him, yet the officer was in in the wrong for protecting his own life....

It's clear that this group isn't after improving things.

Michael Brown dindu nuffin.


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#4 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@CommandoAgent said:
@still_vicious said:

BLM is a supremacy group.

Yup and they share the values of black people. This groups defended a potential nutcase who was wielding a hammer i say the police were justified to kill.

Or Michael brown.

Goes for an officers gun after assaulting him, yet the officer was in in the wrong for protecting his own life....

It's clear that this group isn't after improving things.

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#5 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@mark1974 said:

I hate to but in here but it is a movement based on holding police accountable for their actions against black people. That is a fact. You can add other crap from what random blm people have said here or there to the movement if you feel the need but that doesn't change the fact It is a movement based on holding police accountable for their actions against black people. It seemed to them that black lives where not considered important to police and they were shooting first and figuring out the rest later. I don't care whether you believe that was actually the case or not but it is the reason the group was founded. Do we really have to argue even that?

It's a misdirection on what actual problems the black community face.

Black Gun deaths by police: 2.5%

By other blacks 90%

But let's focus on the 2.5%, even though almost all of those deaths are justified.

It's very obvious that the focus is being misdirected from actual issues.

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#6  Edited By Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

BLM is a supremacy group.

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#7 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@AlexKidd5000: Maybe they should work harder.

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#8 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@redrichard said:

@Johnny-n-Roger: Then prove it's a non fact.

2.5% of gun deaths for blacks are from police officers, 90% are by other blacks.


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#9  Edited By Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@sayyy-gaa said:
@still_vicious said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:
@sayyy-gaa said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:

And it's easy to say and exculpate ones self. I do not disagree, but I don't advocate something needing to be "fixed" without having even a theoretical solution in mind.

How do you really determine how and what these advantages/disadvantages are in regards to ethnicity? There are also socioeconomic factors to take into consideration, choices people make while knowing the consequences, and cultural issues that stem from single-parent upbringing.

Also, you would have to develop some hierarchy of which ethnic groups are more disadvantaged. There are so many variables and regulatory factors that it isn't even practical.

If you're going to pass legislation that racially favors minorities in terms of job placement, income tax rates, property tax rates, loan interest rates, etc, you're essentially creating a system that is economically disadvantageous whites. Is there not distinct concern at that point that whites would over time claim that their economic conditions are unfavorable and need to be "fixed".

The bottom line is that you really can't solve cultural problems without creating new ones. You can't legislate your way to a prejudice-free society. It takes time, and there are a lot of struggling white individuals and families that really don't care to be told of their "illicit white privilege". By continuously pressing issues of racial disparity and thinking that you're going to improve current conditions is the same logic that leaves politicians who oppose the 2nd amendment wondering why AR-15 sales skyrocket every time they speak on the issue.

Creating a system that is economically disadvantageous to whites? Distinct concerns that whites would over time claim their economic conditions are unfavorable?

You are aware this nation was built and created with incalculable advantages for white people...seeing as they were the only citizens for the country. That advantage has grown up until about 50 years ago. So for the past 240 there have been favorable economic conditions for white people. So it would take what-300 years for the pendulum to even begin to swing to disadvantageous?

Most of your statements make sense...but don't hypothesize about disadvantageous whites IN THE U.S.A. That will never happen.

This is providing that it would be unreasonable to create race-based economic inequality to reconcile past race-based economic inequalities. This is because it isn't justified to create unfavorable economic conditions for anyone because of their race. When you start practicing justice through further injustice, you encounter the same problems. This is where you would risk whites making a claim that their economic conditions are unfavorable and need to be justified by redistribution. It's an "endless cycle of redistribution" paradigm.

The problem with your "pendulum" argument is that while you're able to frame a period of time,you'll have a hard time finding specific evidence in regard to exactly who these white beneficiaries were and from whom the labor was stolen. It gets especially tricky when you account for the Southern slave owning black Americans that would possibly position some descending black Americans to be considered of economic advantage over other black Americans thus creating cultural disparity.

For not being able to properly identify exactly which whites were, and to what degree, the beneficiaries of a race-based economic advantage and/or theft of labor it would be impossible to apportion any form of redistribution in a truly "justified" manor without taking every case to trial to court on an individual basis. Did these individuals steal labor from African slaves? Were their ancestors abolitionists, or civil rights activists that would qualify them for a deduction?

So yes, whites basically stole labor and oppressed minorities for years but to apply any sort of modern justice in regards to race-based wealth redistribution would simply be impractical. So I have to legitimately ask, if there is truly no justifiable solution to atone for past economic disadvantages and thefts of labor, at what point would a white man ever be exculpated from the white "privileged" class? Is there a reasonable frame of time or anything that can be done to transcend this alleged disparity?

it was only about 1% of the population that actually owned slaves; the extremely wealthy, not sure why all white people get a rap for that. Guess racists are going to lie to further their cause. Guess where 4% of the population lives in slavery today? Africa.


Are you saying that owning slaves are the only benefit that white people have had since the country's birth. What about citizenship? proper legal representation? adequate access to public education and university education? suffrage rights?

Whites had sooooo many generational advantages in addition to slavery. Wealthy or not. Fact.

The point I was making there is that the blame of slavery is disproportionately blamed on all white people. The slaves were caught and sold by blacks and Arabs, and sold to whites and Arabs. yet Arabs get no heat about that today, blacks get no heat for their role in it, and despite only 1% of whites owning slaves, I constantly hear hate towards whites today because of it. Today no whites own slaves in western countries, but plenty of blacks do in Africa, but nobody says anything about it. It's even seems like it's frowned upon to point out these facts. Yes facts. The only explanation I can plainly see is a refusal to actually have anything more than a shallow understanding due to racism against whites.

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#10 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@jdiggle said:

@Johnny-n-Roger: Yeah, about your point with SJWs and "regressive liberals" thinking people can "offend them simply by existing", you would think at some point they would realize that if so many people offend them, maybe the problem is them not the people who offend them. These folks should probably go see Dr. Phil.
